Glen Woolfenden Award 2019
In 2019, the North American Banding Council (NABC), award John Alexander with the Glen Wooldfenden Award. John served on the council for 13 years and was chair for 4 of those years. He helped shape NABC to be a leader in sound and ethical banding techniques. John represented NABC at various ornithological forums, helping NABC gain the recognition it has today. With the donation of his own time and resources of the Klamath Bird Observatory, NABC was able to achieve goals and priorities it would not have otherwise. John pioneered the efforts to lead training and certification sessions in Latin America. By training and encouraging countless banders, he enhanced the science and ethics of the entire banding community including the eight current members serving on the council.
The Glen Woolfenden Award is eligible for outgoing NABC council members. In recognition of outstanding service and contribution to the Council. Glen Everett Woolfenden, PhD., long-time AOU representative to the NABC, was one of the original supporters of the NABC and was important in garnering support from the ornithological community for this endeavor. He served on the publications committee from its inception and chaired that committee for several years. The NABC publications benefited greatly from his superb editing skills. Those of us who worked with Glen will miss his humor, professionalism, and attention to detail.
KBO’s International Capacity Building fosters training and information exchange throughout the Americas. Our international programming includes recruiting student volunteer interns from outside the US for our banding training program, participation in international banding training projects, and research collaborations and technical support partnerships with bird observatories in Latin America and the Caribbean. Long-running partnerships with US Forest Service International Programs and Oregon State University make this work possible.
Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships