About KBO
Former KBO Board
Carol Mockridge
Carol moved to Ashland from Seattle in 2013 after an extensive search for the ideal place to retire. Birding and volunteering are high on her life list. She learned about the upcoming first Mountain Bird Festival while taking Harry Fuller’s Winter Birds of Ashland class and volunteered to be the marketing kingbird. She believes KBO […]
Harry Fuller, MA
Harry Fuller joined the KBO Board in 2011. Harry graduated from Carleton College, Minnesota with a BA in history, and from Stanford University in California with an MA in communications. Harry was elected KBO Board President in 2013. From 1969 to 1998 Harry worked in television media, mostly for San Francisco TV stations. During his […]
BJ Matzen
BJ Matzen joined the KBO Board in 2010. A lifelong resident of Oregon, he considers himself a product of Eastern Oregon, even though he was born in Portland. BJ grew up on a ranch in Izee, which is in the valley of the south fork of the John Day River, 50 miles southwest of the […]
Jim Flett
Jim Flett Jim re-joined the Klamath Bird Observatory board in 2014. Jim and his wife, Laura, built their home 35 years ago at the end of a small valley in northern Siskiyou County in California. A visitor could drive through the front gate in California and walk through the back fence into Oregon. They live […]
Laura Fleming
From playing in the creek behind my house as a child in Cincinnati, Ohio to obtaining a B.S. in Wildlife Biology and Management from Michigan State University, I have always been interested and connected to the natural world and its wildlife.
Karl Schneck
Karl started birding at 11 years old in Santa Rosa, California, birding for three years with two of California’s greatest birders as mentors, Gordon Bolander and Mike Parmeter. Karl then got distracted for over 50 years, busy with college, dental school, and work. Karl restarted in 2014 with the Ashland Christmas Bird Count and he can’t […]
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