A Trip to Brazil Presentation
Join Klamath Bird Observatory and Mantiqueira Bird Observatory (OAMa) for a presentation highlighting our FUNdraising trip to Brazil on April 12th-20th, 2023. Luiza, cofounder of OAMa, and Jaime, KBO Science Director, will present trip details and be available to help answer any questions about this fantastic opportunity on November 20th at 5 pm. This is a hybrid event with in-person being held at the KBO office. During this trip, you will bird with local scientists, visit beautiful national parks, participate in a photography workshop, and watch bird banding in action at OAMa. Register for the presentation on the form below. If you are interested in the trip to Brazil but cannot attend the presentation, you can reach out to Elva at ejm@klamathbird.org.
What this trip funds:
Klamath Bird Observatory is well known for its wide international reach, focusing on partnerships and capacity building across the ranges of our shared birds. KBO’s bird banding internship program has trained over 283 interns from more than 17 countries. The Mantiqueira Bird Observatory (OAMa) is a fruit of this capacity-building program, which is now running its training program in Brazil. As part of the continued partnership between these two observatories, we are pleased to announce a new internship exchange program! After training in their home country, biologists will have the opportunity to visit and train at the other observatory. KBO will host a student from OAMa for three or six months each year, and OAMa will host a student from KBO for up to three months at their field station in Brazil, joining the local crew at the year-round bird monitoring on the Mantiqueira Highlands. The cost of this trip helps fund this amazing internship program for both organizations and the intern.
A non-refundable deposit of $2500 is required to reserve your seat. The trip cost is $5000 per person, total due February 10th. $2500 of the trip fees is a donation. The cost does not include airfare.
Here is a draft itinerary for the Brazil trip. Subject to change. Brazil Itinerary 2023
Klamath Bird Observatory follows CDC guidelines. KBO events are being offered with COVID-19 safety as KBO’s primary concern. Proof of vaccination will be required for all in-person participants. All individuals attending an event must also fill out the Waiver of Liability form that will be emailed to you once you register for the event. Paper copies will be available at the event. Please do not attend the event if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Masks are not required but wear based on comfortability.

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships