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Bird Banding Workshop: Aug 4-8

| KBO |

banding_juncoTarget Audience: This workshop is designed for undergraduates, graduate students, bird observatory volunteers, naturalists, and others interested in learning more about bird monitoring and conservation science. The course is particularly suitable for those interested in pursuing careers in ornithology or volunteering at bird banding stations.  No previous experience necessary!

Dates: August 4-8, 2014

Cost: $1,000

Klamath Bird Observatory is offering a Bird Banding Banding Workshop at its Upper Klamath Lake Field Station on August 4-8, 2014.  This is a North American Banding Council (NABC) sanctioned training event.  The workshop content will be NABC-based and all instructors will be NABC-certified Bander Trainers.  Upon successful completion, participants with be presented with a NABC Training Certificate.

The 4-day workshop will provide an excellent opportunity for individuals to experience an active bird monitoring station and learn the skills needed for its operation.  Participants will receive training in bird safety, mist net use and maintenance, data collection, bird identification, bird banding, and sexing and ageing techniques – through both hands-on instruction and numerous seminars.  The workshop program has been developed for people with little or no bird handling and banding experience, although those with intermediate skills will benefit from the workshop by building upon their existing skills and knowledge.

This is an introductory course and participants will be exposed to the fundamental skills and knowledge that serve as the foundation for becoming a skilled bird bander.  Participants should not expect to emerge from this workshop as qualified bird banders.  This course provides excellent preparation for those interested in pursuing the NABC Bander certification.

The registration fee is $1,000 per person.  Registration includes all meals beginning with dinner August 4 and ending with lunch August 8.  Space is available for tent camping at the Upper Klamath Lake Field Station.  There is lodging nearby at the Rocky Point Resort and the Lake of the Woods Resort (both with cabins as well as RV and tent camping), and the Crystalwood Lodge.

For More Information and To Register: Please contact Bob Frey at bif<AT> Registration deadline July 17, 2014.