New two-part presentation: “Birding Beyond Borders” and “Baby Birds and Nests” with Shannon Rio
Tuesday, June 22nd
7-8:45pm via Zoom

BIRDING BEYOND BORDERS celebrates the international work of KBO and how it has brought people from all over the globe as interns to study bird banding, science and how to protect migratory birds. These international interns have returned to their homelands and brought back the skills to contribute to science, education and conservation that support birds and habitats. We’ll watch short videos together to virtually meet the team from Observatório de Aves da Mantiqueira in Brazil, and San Pancho Bird Observatory in Mexico, and see where they work.

BABY BIRDS AND NESTS is all about how birds mate, how eggs become baby birds and how babies learn to fly and sing. We’ll share fun photos of nests, eggs and baby birds that will show you what to look for when you’re in your favorite bird watching location. By learning about the stages of courtship, nest building, incubation of eggs, feeding babies and then fledging, you will be more likely to see and hear these springtime and summertime behaviors.
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“Let’s come together in the spirit of community, supporting conservation, and caring for and connecting with our beautiful natural world.” – Shannon Rio
Shannon Rio is president of Klamath Bird Observatory’s Board of Directors. She believes in protecting birds and wild places, and that sharing the love of birds connects us to them and to one anoth

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships