BIRDING THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST with Harry Fuller and Shannon Rio March 2—6, 2018
This birding adventure will focus on wintering birds of the Pacific Northwest that spend the summer in nesting territories further north.
We will bird in and around Puget Sound, including Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, then travel along the Hood Canal and north to the upper tip of the Olympic Peninsula. A ferry will take us from Port Townsend to Whidbey Island. Plan to see Trumpeter Swan, Harlequin and Long-tailed ducks, Rhinoceros Auklet, Pacific Loon, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Brant, Black and White-Winged scoters, Northern Shrike, Short-eared Owl, Rough-legged Hawk, and many others. Some of the Pacific Northwest’s most beautiful landscapes will be the backdrop for fantastic birding. We may also get to see an orca pod on the ferry!
Costs: Early-bird fee is $569 per person if paid by January 1, 2018. The fee includes four nights’ hotel accommodation and travel to and from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SeaTac – airport code SEA). Also included is the expertise of master bird guide Harry Fuller. The group will travel by van and ferry during the adventure. $300 of the fee is a tax deductible donation to the Klamath Bird Observatory. After January 1, 2018 cost of the trip is $619 so sign up early as it will make plane flights cheaper and easier to obtain. Reasonably-priced early-morning flights from Medford (MFR), Eugene (EUG), or San Francisco (SFO) to SeaTac are available on a few major airlines (Alaska, Delta, and American—and Southwest Airlines out of Oakland (OAK)).
Participants pay for their meals and travel to and from SeaTac airport where the trip begins and ends. Due to logistics and to maximize everyone’s adventure experience the group will be limited to 10 participants. Arrangements have been made for double-occupancy rooms in the towns of Lacey, Sequim (2 nights), and Burlington, WA where we will be stopping overnights.
To sign up for or more information about this sure-to-be-memorable birding adventure, contact Shannon Rio at or by phone (541) 840-4655. You will have the double pleasure of taking a special birding trip along with contributing to conservation as you support KBO.
***Please note—after January 1, 2018 cost of this trip will be non-refundable. Shannon Rio will help with coordinating arrival times as we gather in Seattle and any other details.

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships