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KBO Education

Flock to these September KBO events

You are not going to want to miss this month’s events. We have Harry Fuller joining us in the KBO office for a hybrid presentation on Great Grey Owls. His elusive Great Grey Owl book and newly published Birding Harney County will be available for purchase. This talk is happening September 22nd at 6 pm. Haven’t made it out to the banding station this year? We have one more outing to KBO’s Upper Klamath banding station on September 28th. Fall migration is in full swing giving us the opportunity to catch some fascinating migrants like golden crown and white crown sparrows, Wilson warblers, and Nashville warblers. The Klamath Siskiyou Oak Network quarterly meeting is on September 21st from 1 – 2:30 p.m. (virtual). It will feature a presentation by Wyatt Williams, Invasive Species Specialist with the Forest Health Unit of Oregon Department of Forestry. Wyatt will be presenting on the Mediterranean oak borer, a pest of oaks, and its arrival to Oregon.

Let’s Talk Bird with Shannon Rio

Join Shannon Rio for three weeks of classes, chatting about our local birds and ending with a field trip. Powerpoint presentations will include, for example, a deep dive into a specific group of birds like woodpeckers and learning fun bird factoids. We will explore the use of a variety of bird guides and info books. This class is collaborative and interactive and meant to be fun. We will meet at noon for 1 1/2 hours, so bring a sack lunch along with your curiosity. Please bring your favorite guidebook for referencing the species we are learning about and sharing with the group. The class will be capped off with an all-day outing to use what you have learned. The dates are September 11th, 18th, and 25th and the fee is $0-$100 donation.

Bird Conmigo August 12th

Join us on August 12th at 9 am for Bird Conmigo. Birding with friends and family is a great way to connect. We will be exploring Bear Creek Park. Many of the birds seen there you can find in your backyard. Klamath Bird Observatory will provide binoculars and Spanish/English guidebooks. This event is free and Spanish/English bilingual. 

Contemplative Photography

Contemplative photography combined with nature photography can be deeply soul-soothing, educational, and plays an important part in conservation.  It gives details about the appearance or behavior of birds and has resulted in the protection of landscapes and species. This presentation on March 28th, at 6 pm, celebrates the power of photography and our love for birds.  Kirk Gooding selected some of his favorite nature photos and created this series set to music. This event is in-person at KBO office and available via Zoom. This event is free.

Official Video Release of “From the Field – A Study of the Oregon Vesper Sparrow” by Daniel Thiede

We are officially releasing the documentary for public viewing. Join Daniel and KBO on a journey to understand the ecology of the at-risk Oregon Vesper Sparrow and the causes of its decline. Daniel covers the life history of this handsome little brown bird and the field methods and new technology that KBO is employing to study its life cycle year-round. Through beautiful imagery and graphics, he tells the story of KBOs’ continuing research to understand the decline of the Oregon Vesper Sparrow, a subspecies of conservation concern unique to the Pacific Northwest, and look for solutions.

Explore the Joys of Birding

We are in the midst of fall migration and it is a great time to start birding. Join board member Amanda Alford for a Beginner Birder Talk and Walk where she will introduce you to birding basics. Birding benefits your mood, your psychological well-being, your mental health, and your cognitive functioning. Learn how to begin your birding journey or how to get back to your basics. The talk is a hybrid with the in-person happening at the Klamath Bird Observatory office. The walk will be at Bear Creek Park. Share with your friends or bring a friend! Register Today!

First Talk and Walk of the Season

Talks and Walks are a great way to start your birding adventure. You can learn about local birds, explore new places, and be outside. Join KBO board president and nature enthusiast Shannon Rio for a bird walk of North Mountain Park. Shannon is eager to get back out and share the joys of birding with everyone. North Mountain Park offers the opportunity to see a variety of birds in an easy-to-access environment. Walk and talks are free and open to anyone. Binoculars are available for use. 

Talk and Walk’s are Back!

Talk and Walk are back by popular demand. These are a donation-based series that happens at a variety of locations. It is a great opportunity to explore Southern Oregon, increase your birding knowledge, and make new friends. We welcome birders on all levels. Binoculars’ are available for use. Our first walk and talk is on March 26th at 9 am with Shannon Rio. She will be taking us around North Mountain Park. Our second outing will be celebrating Earth Day on April 23rd at 9 am at the Rogue River Preserve. More walks and talks to be added!

Bird Conmigo

Join Klamath Bird Observatory for bilingual bird walks in Medford. We will be exploring local parks highlighting that you do not need to travel far to enjoy birds. For each bird walk, we will cover the basics of birding and introduce you to birds of the Rogue Valley. Making it perfect for beginner birders.

Contemplative Photography — For the Love of Birds

Contemplative photography combined with nature photography can be deeply soul-soothing, educational, and plays an important part in conservation.  It gives details about the appearance or behavior of birds and has resulted in the protection of landscapes and species. This presentation on February 10th, at 6 pm celebrates the power of photography and our love for birds.  Kirk Gooding selected some of his favorite nature photos and created this series set to music. This online event is free to say thank you for your support of the Klamath Bird Observatory.