Great Grey Owl Talk by Harry Fuller
Great Gray Owls are scarce over much of the range shown in typical field guides or online range maps. There are small regions within their overall range where they are more numerous. In this, they are like many birds that are very picky about habitat and food supply—Pinyon Jays, MacGillivray’s Warblers, and Green-tailed Towhees.
Jackson County is most likely the southernmost hotspot for great grays. There might be as many great grays here as in all of California, where they are state-designated endangered species. There has never been a confirmed sighting in Siskiyou County, which is only a few miles from where owls breed in this county. Likely there are many more great grays in Oregon than in Washington State. In Europe, the species is found primarily in boreal forests. Along the Pacific Slope, they occur in small numbers as far south as Fresno County.
Why are they here? How do they behave? Survive? Deal with humans? What does climate change portend?
Date and Time: September 22nd at 6 pm
Location: Klamath Bird Observatory office in Ashland, Zoom option available
Cost: FREE
Great Grey Owl book and Harry’s most recent publication, Birding Harney County will be available for sale during the event.
Before his retirement, Harry managed TV and Internet newsrooms in San Francisco and London. He has written three natural history books, including Great Gray Owl in California, Oregon, and Washington, and San Francisco’s Natural History, Sand Dunes to Streetcars. Harry also contributed to a chapter about Common Nighthawks in Edge of Awe, an anthology of essays about Malheur National Wildlife Refuge published by Oregon State University Press in 2019. He has been leading bird trips and teaching birding classes since the 1990s. See Harry’s birding journal online here.
Klamath Bird Observatory (KBO) follows Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and as such, KBO events are offered with COVID-19 safety as a primary concern. Proof of “up-to-date” vaccination will be required for all in-person participants. Upon registration, all individuals attending an in-person event must also fill out KBO’s COVID Release Form and Waiver of Liability. Paper copies may also be available at an event upon advanced request. Please do not attend the event if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
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