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KBO’s Summer 2014 Newsletter

By John Alexander, Klamath Bird Observatory Executive Director

2014_summer_coverIn presenting this edition of our newsletter the Klamath Bird, with a focus on KBO success stories, I am struck by the breadth of people who have contributed to our accomplishments over the years.  Support and encouragement from you, our community, continues to grow.  The donations you offer and that we use to leverage additional funds for our work are increasing, and just this year we had our largest volunteer driven effort, the Mountain Bird Festival.  On all accounts the festival was a success: it helped to further build our KBO community; we raised funds for local and national conservation efforts; awareness and appreciation of the spectacular beauty of our region and the importance of preserving its ecological integrity was lifted; and we demonstrated that healthy bird populations offer important benefits such as an economic pulse from birders coming for the festival just before Ashland’s theaters were in their full summer rush.

Our success also comes directly from the wonderful colleagues with whom we work.  KBO’s staff, contractors, and student interns, both present and past, make up an amazing group of dedicated and caring team members who are deeply committed to effective conservation informed by science and education. This summer we welcome Dr. Jared Wolfe, who joins the KBO Team at Redwood Sciences Lab in Arcata as part of our award-winning partnership with the US Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station.  Plus, our wide array of partners is key to KBO’s continued success.

To our community of supporters, to all the great people who have and continue to work at KBO, and to our partners, I offer my sincere thanks, and I invite you to celebrate with us in our successes, of which this newsletter only represents the tip of the iceberg.

Click here to access a PDF of the Summer 2014 KBO Newsletter, with the theme “Success Stories.”