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Klamath Call Note

Bird Bio: Cassin’s Vireo

Bird Bio: Cassin’s Vireo By: Amanda Cornell, KBO Field Intern The Cassin’s Vireo (Vireo cassinii) is one of three vireo species that were once lumped together as the “Solitary Vireo.” It is a small, greenish-gray bird that can be distinguished from other vireos by its white eye rings and lores, which look like a pair of “spectacles” across the top of the beak. […]

Students Lend a Hand in Restoration

100 5th grade students worked hard through the cold and the rain at Willow-Witt Ranch on Grizzly Peak to help restore wetland meadows. The 440 acre property holds approximately 100 acres of wetland meadows. Due to past cattle grazing much of the wetland vegetation has disappeared but, with the help of these students 3,500 willow […]

Bird Bio: Purple Finch

Bird Bio: Purple Finch By: Emily Molter, KBO Wildlife Education Specialist The Purple Finch is a sexually dimorphic species with the adult males washed in a rosy color that looks like it has been dipped in raspberry sauce. By contrast, the adult females are quite different, exhibiting a brown, drab color with a white moustache stripe. Young Purple Finches of […]

Banding with the Klamath Bird Observatory

The Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion is known for its incredible amount of biodiversity, including birds. One of the ways Klamath Bird Observatory can help monitors bird populations in this region is through bird banding stations. KBO has grown into having banding stations in Northern California and Southern Oregon, by doing this they are able to gather unique […]

Bird Bio: Wrentit

Bird Bio: Wrentit By: Emily Molter, KBO Wildlife Education Specialist Many birders may hear the male Wrentit’s distinctive, loud song similar to a Ping-Pong ball bouncing on a table, but never see one. The Wrentit (Chamaea fasciata) is a secretive bird that prefers to remain hidden within dense brush and scrub, rarely crossing open areas. This year round resident in […]

Bird Bio: Lazuli Bunting, Passerina amoena

By: Cara Lovell, KBO Banding Intern The Lazuli Bunting is a banding crew favorite, and we often can’t help smiling when we capture these spectacular birds. The blue head and back, rusty breast, and white wing bars make the male stand out, while the drabber females can be an identification mystery until we find the delicate blue wash on the […]

Birding Excursion

The Klamath Bird Observatory recently led a group of 20 community members, educators and children  to the Seven Mile Guard Station. The group made use of new educational kits, which included everything that young students need to explore birding out in the field. The trip visited a bird banding station and viewed a demonstration of […]

Bird Bio: Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Bird Bio: Ruby-crowned Kinglet By: Bob Frey, KBO Biologist In the vast boreal forests of Alaska and Canada, follow asubtle and melodic song and you’ll find one of North America’s smallest birds—the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. It is one of the many bird species that undertakes the great spring migration to the boreal regions to breed and nest. This species […]

Bird Bio– Hermit Warbler

Bird Bio– Hermit Warbler Distribution: Generally breeds west of the Pacific Crest from southern California to Washington. Winters in the mountains of west Mexico to Nicaragua. Habitat: Breeds primarily in Douglas-fir forests with dense tree canopy and multiple layers of vegetation including a well-developed understory. Feeding: Glean (pick) insects off vegetation and can be seen hovering as […]

Bird Bio: the Song Sparrow

Bird Bio: the Song Sparrow The Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) is a familiar bird year round in our region. It has the conical, seed-crunching bill typical of sparrows, and can be identified by its brown cap, gray supercilium (“eyebrow”), brown streak extending behind the eye, and strong brown lateral throat stripe. Additionally, it has heavy brown striping along the sides of its white or gray breast. These […]