Scott Valley Hawk Adventure
Please join KBO board members Dick Ashford and Amanda Alford for a hawk-finding outing to beautiful Scott Valley, CA! October should show the early signs of raptor migration in the area; we will search for newly arrived migrants, birds just passing through, and local residents.
We’ll learn about and identify the raptors we see along our route, taking us from just north of Fort Jones south to Etna, crisscrossing the valley as we go. The tour will be conducted at a leisurely pace with time to watch individual raptors and (hopefully) enjoy observing behavior, such as hunting, feeding, and inter and intra-specific interactions. There are no guarantees (it’s a natural show), but Dick will have scouted the area beforehand to locate the best spots. The image above is that of a bird Dick observed south of Fort Jones. Can you guess its ID?
Please be sure to dress comfortably and bring lunch and liquids. Most of our birding will be from the roadside, and walking will be minimal. And, as is our custom, we will not have a formal lunch stop but will eat as the birds do – all day long!
We’ll depart Ashland at 8 AM and return around 5-ish. Because of the narrow farm roads, we are limiting this trip to just 10 attendees. We will carpool (a must!) in 3 vehicles.
Cost: $40 per person
Date: October 21st
We’re looking forward to seeing you in the Field Of Wonder!
Klamath Bird Observatory (KBO) follows Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and as such, KBO events are offered with COVID-19 safety as a primary concern. Proof of “up-to-date” vaccination will be required for all in-person participants. Upon registration, all individuals attending an in-person event must also fill out KBO’s COVID Release Form and Waiver of Liability. Paper copies may also be available at an event upon advanced request. Please do not attend the event if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships