TALK AND WALK: BIRDING THE KLAMATH BASIN with Mel Clements and Frank Lospalluto
The talk will feature 4 short DVD’s (photography and music) that each highlight the birds and landscape of the Klamath Wildlife Basin Refuges through the four seasons of the year. A fifth DVD will be added to show the powerful beauty of the Great Gray Owl. Guidelines for photographing birds and other wildlife will be presented along with the ethics of bird photography. Mel Clements will discuss how to get the best photos and disturb the birds the least.
Talk on February 16th Thursday 6:30-8pm
Walk on February 18th Saturday 7:30am – dark
Contact Shannon Rio at to sign up. Class size is limited. $30 for class and outing. $15 to come to the talk only.

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships