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The 2014 Wild Bird Educational Series

| KBO |

cbch_livaudaisThe Grange Co-op is hosting a fundraiser for Klamath Bird Observatory. There will be three different educational talks about wild birds in our area. Each talk will be held on the second Saturday of each month in January, February, and March from 10-11am. Each presentation will be held in the Swingle training room at the Grange Co-op’s Pet Country Store (2833 N. Pacific Highway, Medford). Tickets can be purchased by contacting Laura at 541-245-2370 or by emailing her at lfleming AT

$15/session or $40/all three when paid in advance, or $20/session at the door. All ticket donations are tax-deductible. As space is limited, we encourage advanced registration.

Saturday, January 11th, 2014, “Backyard Birds and What They Eat”, 10-11am

A slideshow and presentation with Harry Fuller. Harry is a professional birding guide and the KBO Board President. Come view beautiful photos of our wide array of back yard birds and learn how to attract them to your yard. Afterwards, sign up for a bird walk around Agate Lake the following Saturday.

Saturday, February 8th, 2014, “Hawks at Your Feeders”, 10-11am

Presentation by Dick Ashford. Dick is a hawk expert and longtime KBO Board Member. He enjoys leading hawk trips in southern Oregon. Come learn how to recognize and appreciate the hawks that visit our backyards.

Saturday, March 8th, 2014, “A Vulture Way of Life”, 10-11am

Presentation by Brandon Breen. Brandon works at KBO in Science Communications and Community Outreach. Brandon studied Turkey Vultures for his Master’s thesis in Conservation Biology. Often maligned for being ugly and grotesque, come learn about the fascinating adaptations of vultures and learn to appreciate the significant role the vultures play in nature.

In addition to these presentations, Harry Fuller will be leading a bird walk around Agate Lake on Saturday, January 18th, 2014 at 900am. Sign up at his January 11th presentation. The walk is limited to 20 participants. We will meet at Dollar Tree on the corner of Highway 140 and Highway 62. All beginning birders are welcome and encouraged to attend.