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Thursday June 24th — Family Birding Adventure at the Dunn Ranch Center for Food and Agriculture

Thursday, June 24th (9:00 AM to Noon) — All ages welcome!

Klamath Bird Observatory (KBO) is teaming up with Dunn Ranch to offer a family friendly birding adventure. Join Sooney Viani and Shannon Rio, two nature educators whose focus is on having fun. Activities will include making your own binoculars from simple materials and learning to use them. Participants will also learn to use real binoculars and learn to identify common birds by the way they look and by the way they sound. We will all have fun learning more about birds that are commonly seen on the ranch. Bring a field journal for scribing notes and drawings about our time (optional). Be sure to wear sturdy shoes and a sun hat and don’t forget to bring water.

This is the first of three family-friendly bird related outings that KBO will lead at the Dunn Ranch this summer.

About Sooney and Shannon — Sooney is a retired elementary school teacher who loves birds and teaching about nature and Shannon (KBO’s Board President) is committed to educating local communities about our shared birds and KBO’s science-based conservation approach.