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Tour of Middle Eastern Conservation Professionals to Stop in Upper Klamath Basin

By Ashley Dayer, Klamath Bird Observatory, and Erica Hupp, Fremont-Winema National Forests

On June 5-7, 2009, a study tour of Middle Eastern conservation professionals will be visiting the Upper Klamath Basin to learn from Klamath Bird Observatory and Fremont-Winema National Forests’ model of collaboratively advancing bird and habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships.

This is one of four site visits in the national tour to explore and discuss models for migratory bird conservation in the United States hosted by the U.S. Forest Service and their partners. Participants are from Egypt, Ethiopia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, West Bank and Kenya.

They will examine approaches for partnership development, capacity building of young biologists, conservation in urban areas and degraded landscapes and ecotourism opportunities. This stop of the two-week national tour will be focusing on how Klamath Bird Observatory implements monitoring, using various methods at multiple scales to inform land management decision-making.

John Alexander, Klamath Bird Observatory’s Executive Director, commented, “This is a great opportunity to celebrate our multi-agency partnerships in northern California and southern Oregon.  It demonstrates international recognition of our collaborative efforts and bioregional model of linking management with bird conservation.”

Klamath Bird Observatory was founded on a strong relationship with the US Forest Service, working closely with its Redwood Science Laboratory (Arcata, California) to coordinate the Klamath Bird Monitoring Network.  Klamath Bird Observatory also has maintained strong partnerships with regional forests, such as the Fremont-Winema National Forests and Klamath National Forest, to aid the forests in meeting land management challenges while addressing bird conservation objectives. Klamath Bird Observatory’s partnership with the Forest Service International Program continues to expand, including coordinating international capacity-building workshops in the Caribbean, hosting international interns from such locations as Ethiopia, and participating in strategic planning for international conservation efforts.

The Forest Service’s International Programs focus efforts on building the capacity of partners in bird monitoring and implementing conservation programs. The Forest Service actively collaborates with government and non-government partners across the Middle East, to address natural resource management challenges. As Forest Service-supported activities take root at the local level, this network of partners fosters the expansion and implementation of activities into multi-lateral initiatives across the Middle East. The Forest Service is focused on strengthening this network and building the capacity of non-governmental organizations, communities, and land managers to take part and engage in migratory bird conservation and environmental education activities.

During the past two years, the Forest Service has worked with partners to host Middle Eastern biologists in the U.S. and develop their capacity in mist netting, banding, surveying, data collection and interpretive outreach. This next phase brings partners together in an effort to build regional networks that share data and jointly address conservation issues across the region.

Klamath Bird Observatory advances bird and habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships. The observatory conducts scientific studies to monitor and inventory bird populations. Working in the Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion of southern Oregon and northern California, and beyond, Klamath Bird Observatory provides information to help federal, state and local land managers better protect and enhance bird populations and their habitats. Klamath Bird Observatory also reaches out to local communities and schools, connecting people with science and conservation.  To learn more about Klamath Bird Observatory, visit or call (541) 201-0866.

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