Upcoming Raptor Trips
In the coming months, Klamath Bird Observatory will be offering two guided trips to the Klamath Basin in search of raptors and other birdlife. The Klamath Basin is nationally famous for its excellent raptor viewing; come find out why with local raptor expert and longtime KBO board member Dick Ashford. You’ll have good chances of seeing Ferruginous Hawks, Rough-legged Hawks, Prairie Falcons, Golden Eagles, Bald Eagles, and more!
These conservation fundraising outings combine a celebration of birds with the commitment needed to ensure their continued survival. Each outing is limited to 10 participants. We hope you join us for one of the following trips:
Ring in the New Year with Raptors: Saturday, January 4th, 2014, $110 (includes a presentation on raptor identification and $100 tax-deductible donation)
Klamath Basin Raptors and Waterfowl: Saturday, March 1st, 2014, $65 ($60 tax-deductible donation)

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships