Upcoming Talk with Harry Fuller
The Romance and Wonder of the Sandhill Crane
January 23rd, 2018
Tuesday Evening 6:30-8:00
At KBO Headquarters, 320 Beach Street, Ashland
The tallest bird in Oregon, the Sandhill Crane comes from an ancient lineage that may be among the earliest warm-blooded animals still found on earth. How do they live? We will explore the mechanics of their amazing trumpeting calls. We’ll discuss where they nest in Jackson County and other parts of the western U.S. and where you can see them in winter and early spring.
Harry Fuller is past president of the Klamath Bird Observatory, bird guide and author or several books on birds and the natural history of the San Francisco Bay. His books will be for sale at this talk.
To sign up, contact Shannon Rio at shannonrio@aol.com or call 541 840-4655. Cost is $15 and you can pay the night of the talk.

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships