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WHAT’S IN THE NAME? Presented by Harry Fuller

WHAT’S IN THE NAME? A presentation by Harry Fuller, Author and Bird Guide
May 25th Thursday night 6:30-8 pm

Klamath Bird Observatory 320 Beach Street, Ashland, Oregon 

It’s great to see a Cassin’s Finch or Steller’s Jay but it can be a bit more exciting when you know some stories about Steller or Cassin…or Anna or Forster. Come enjoy the stories and long-ago adventures of the men and women who discovered our birds, named or got named, back when North America’s birds were new to science. Our list of names to explore will include Allen, Baird, Bewick, Brandt, Brewer, the two Clarks, Gambel, Lewis, Lincoln, MacGillivray, Nuttall, Townsend, and the mysterious Mr. Hutton.

To sign up contact Shannon Rio at or call her at 541-840-4655. The presentationis $15. Make out a check to KBO and mail it to Shannon Rio, 610 Iowa Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520. This will reserve your spot!