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A Checklist of Bird Species Detected along the Bear Creek Riparian Corridor, Ashland, Oregon

Species List Cover (96 dpi)20190123AeeaThis species list was generated using the Avian Knowledge Network Phenology Tool. The tool generates a graph that provides our best understanding of when birds are most likely to be present in a selected area. The graphs presented in this checklist represent birds within the Bear Creek corridor from Clay Creek to Ashland Ponds in Ashland.

The graph includes information about presence, abundance, and effort. Observations contributing to this checklist include all bird data collected and submitted directly to the AKN. The data include Klamath Bird Observatory’s long-term monitoring data as well as eBird and Breeding Bird Survey observations.  To learn more about the AKN and the available tools, visit Avian Knowledge Northwest, the Pacific Northwest’s regional node of the Avian Knowledge Network.

CLICK HERE to view A Checklist of Bird Species Detected along the Bear Creek Riparian Corridor in Ashland, Oregon.

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