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Find a Band

If you find a dead bird with a metal band, color bands, or any other marker or device attached, please report your finding at the Bird Banding Laboratory website.

You will be asked to report the band number and where and when you found the bird. The information will be shared with the original bander and you will be presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for your contribution to avian science that includes the bird’s original banding location, date, and age at that time.

KBO’s banding program provides valuable information about bird population demographics and migration in the Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion. Many other government agencies, academic institutions, and science-based organizations band birds to help answer questions about longevity, migration, and population status.

CLICK HERE to learn more about KBO’s bird banding program.

CLICK HERE to report a band online at the Bird Banding Laboratory website.

Business Sponsors

Wisdom ($5,000+)

Great Grey Owl ($2,500+)



Mountain Quail($500+)

Western Tanager ($100+)

Wild Birds Unlimited 72 PPI 4xX

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