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Educator Kits

kbbt cl coverOur Educator’s Kits contain organized packages of lesson plans designed specifically for birds and habitats in the Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion. The Kits provide place-based, science, and natural resources lesson plans to encourage the study and conservation of local birds and habitats.
The lesson plans are aligned to academic standards and provide background information, clear procedures, teacher tips, supplementary extensions, fun fact side panels, and field trip ideas. Student journal sheets are provided with each lesson to advance critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills. Journal sheets from each lesson can be collated into personalized journal booklets that allow students to share their outdoor learning experiences with family and friends.
Educator’s Kits were developed with partners for the Klamath Basin Birding Trail. These include additional special editions for Crater Lake National Park, Lava Beds National Monument, and Basin and Range—available at the following links. Educator Kits for the Klamath, Rogue River-Siskiyou, and Fremont-Winema National Forests are available below.

Klamath Basin Birding Trail Educator Kit

Klamath Basin Birding Trail Educator Kit – Crater Lake Edition

Klamath Basin Birding Trail Educator Kit – Lava Beds Edition

Klamath Basin Birding Trail Educator Kit – Basin and Range Edition


Business Sponsors

Wisdom ($5,000+)

Great Grey Owl ($2,500+)



Mountain Quail($500+)

Western Tanager ($100+)

Wild Birds Unlimited 72 PPI 4xX

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