Professional Education

Bird Banding Curriculum
This Curriculum is based on the North American Banding Council’s collection of training manuals plus supplemental study materials and original content. It consists of Theory and Practical segments derived from the NABC Trainee Report Card.

Online Banding Course
The Fundamentals of Bird Banding (Passerine) course is based on the North American Banding Council Passerine Banding Curriculum. The “classroom” style course provides instruction in fundamental aspects of small bird capture and handling, banding, and ageing-sexing techniques. It is intended to be combined with experiential learning and practice during subsequent banding operations. The is available online at the […]

Klamath Bird Observatory offers various bird monitoring workshops. Our bird banding workshops offer a great opportunity to learn new, and refresh old, bird banding skills. Topics covered include songbird ageing and sexing techniques using molt, plumage, skulling, and other criteria, bander safety,

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships