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Online Banding Course

American Robin with band (72ppi 4x)The Fundamentals of Bird Banding (Passerine) course is based on the North American Banding Council Passerine Banding Curriculum. The “classroom” style course provides instruction in fundamental aspects of small bird capture and handling, banding, and ageing-sexing techniques. It is intended to be combined with experiential learning and practice during subsequent banding operations. The is available online at the US Fish and Wildlife Service National Conservation Training Center website.

CLICK HERE to access the Fundamentals of Bird Banding (Passerines) Online Course. You will be prompted to login or view the Course as a Guest.

This course was developed with support from Environment Canada, North American Banding Council, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

nctc course partner logos

Business Sponsors

Wisdom ($5,000+)

Great Grey Owl ($2,500+)



Mountain Quail($500+)

Western Tanager ($100+)

Wild Birds Unlimited 72 PPI 4xX

Become an Business Sponsor