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Bird banding workshop Rocky Point cabin 20080718h (72ppi 4x)Klamath Bird Observatory offers various bird monitoring workshops. Our bird banding workshops offer a great opportunity to learn new, and refresh old, bird banding skills. Topics covered include songbird ageing and sexing techniques using molt, plumage, skulling, and other criteria, bander safety,
public interaction and education at banding stations, and net repair. Banding workshops are offered by North American Banding Council (NABC) trainers and follow NABC guidelines. The workshops involve seminars, demonstrations, and experiential learning.
The workshops often take place at Klamath Bird Observatory’s Upper Klamath Field Station during the spring, summer, or fall. Our banding workshops are also taken on the road, offered to partners on site.
KBO also periodically offers workshops focused on other field techniques including point counts, spot mapping and nest searching, and various citizen science approaches.

Business Sponsors

Wisdom ($5,000+)

Great Grey Owl ($2,500+)



Mountain Quail($500+)

Western Tanager ($100+)

Wild Birds Unlimited 72 PPI 4xX

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