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Additional Conservation Plans

Klamath Bird Observatory, in collaboration with many partners has developed strategic bird and habitat conservation plans and other technical publications that are detailed and information-rich. These plans represent the collective efforts of numerous individuals from multiple agencies and organizations to provide bird and habitat conservation and management guidelines.

Informing Ecosystem Management: Science and Process for Landbird Conservation in the Western United States presents ten examples illustrating both the process and science behind bird conservation in the west. The articles 1) describe integrating bird conservation and effectiveness monitoring into land management guidelines with an emphasis on partnerships; and 2) present case studies which highlight bird monitoring within the adaptive management framework.



Prairie Oaks and People business plan cover v100517 (72ppi 4x3)Prairie, Oaks, and People—A Conservation Business Plan to Revitalize the Prairie-Oak Habitats of the Pacific Northwest outlines the case for long-term investments that will restore a signature feature of the region’s historic landscape. A broad coalition of partners created the new conservation strategy to help conserve oak woodlands and native prairies from northern California to British Columbia.



Restoring Oak Habitats in Southern Oregon & Northern California: A Guide for Private Landowners describes how to apply conservation practices for Oregon white oak and California black oak habitats on private lands in southern Oregon and northern California. The document discusses the importance and history of oak habitats and then provides detailed conservation guidelines for oak habitat restoration. The guide includes supplemental resources for the restoration-minded private landowner.



Land Manager’s Guide to Bird Habitat and Populations in Oak Ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest provides an overview of oak ecosystems and discusses threats to these environments with focus on the habitat relationships between birds and oak habitats.\




Restoring Riparian Habitats in Southern Oregon and Northern California: A Guide for Private Landowners describes how to apply best-practice restoration techniques for riparian (streamside) habitats in our region. The guide discusses the importance of riparian habitat for wildlife, and provides detailed guidelines for private landowners interested in initiating a restoration project on their land. The guide also includes supplemental resources, who to contact for assistance with restoration projects and permitting, and step-by-step instructions for monitoring birds to measure restoration progress as the health of the land improves.

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