Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Listed by author:
Alexander, J. D., C. J. Ralph, K. Hollinger, and B. Hogoboom. 2004. “Using a Wide-Scale Landbird Monitoring Network to Determine Landbird Distribution and Productivity in the Klamath Bioregion.” In Proceedings of the Second Conference on Klamath-Siskiyou Ecology., edited by K. L. Mergenthaler, J. E. Williams, and J. Jules, 33–41. Cave Junction, OR: Siskiyou Field Institute.
Alexander, J. D., C. J. Ralph, K. Hollinger, B. Hogoboom, N. E. Seavy, and S. Janes. 2004. “Understanding Effects of Fire Suppression, Fuels Treatment, and Wildfire on Bird Communities in the Klamath-Siskiyou Ecoregion.” In Proceedings of the Second Conference on Klamath-Siskiyou Ecology., edited by K. L. Mergenthaler, J. E. Williams, and J. Jules, 42–46. Cave Junction, Oregon: Siskiyou Field Institute.
Alexander, J. D., N. E. Seavy, C. J. Ralph, and B. Hogoboom. 2006. “Vegetation and Topographical Correlates of Fire Severity from Two Fires in the Klamath-Siskiyou Region of Oregon and California.” International Journal of Wildland Fire 15 (2): 237–45.
Alexander, J. D., J. L. Stephens, and N. E. Seavy. 2008. “Livestock Utilization and Bird Community Composition in Mixed-Conifer Forest and Oak Woodland in Southern Oregon.” Northwest Science 82 (1): 7–17.
Alexander, J. D., J. L. Stephens, G. R. Geupel, and T. C. Will. 2009. “Decision Support Tools: Bridging the Gap between Science and Management.” In Tundra to Tropics: Connecting Birds, Habitats and People. Proceedings of the 4th International Partners in Flight Conference, 13-16 February 2008, edited by T. D. Rich, C. Arizmendi, D. Demarest, and C. Thompson, 283–91. McAllen, TX, USA: Partners in Flight.
Alexander, J. D., J. L. Stephens, S. Veloz, L. Salas, J. S. Rousseau, C. J. Ralph, and D. A. Sarr. 2017. “Using Regional Bird Density Distribution Models to Evaluate Protected Area Networks and Inform Conservation Planning.” Ecosphere 8 (5): e01799.
Betts, M. G., L. Fahrig, A. S. Hadley, K. E. Halstead, J. Bowman, W. D. Robinson, J. A. Wiens, and D. B. Lindenmayer. 2014. “A Species-Centered Approach for Uncovering Generalities in Organism Responses to Habitat Loss and Fragmentation.” Ecography 7: 517–527.
Betts, M. G., J. C. Hagar, J. W. Rivers, J. D. Alexander, K. McGarigal, and B. C. McComb. 2010. “Thresholds in Forest Bird Occurrence as a Function of the Amount of Early-Seral Broadleaf Forest at Landscape Scales.” Ecological Applications 20 (8): 2116–30.
Dayer, A. A., H. M. Stinchfield, and M. J. Manfredo. 2007. “Stories about Wildlife: Developing an Instrument for Identifying Wildlife Value Orientations Cross-Culturally.” Human Dimensions of Wildlife 12: 307–15.
Fairchild, K. C. and J. D. Alexander. 2008. “Using eBird to Track Latitudinal Migration in Orange-Crowned Warblers.” Oregon Birds 34 (4): 124–26.
Figueria, L., P. Martins, C.J. Ralph, J.L. Stephens, J.D. Alexander, and J.D. Wolfe. 2020. “Effects of Breeding and Molt Activity on Songbird Site Fidelity.” American Ornithological Society 137:1-15.
Fuller, T. L., S. S. Saatchi, E. E. Curd, E. Toffelmier, H. A. Thomassen, W. Buermann, D. F. DeSante, M. P. Nott, J. F. Saracco, C. J. Ralph, J. D. Alexander, J. P. Pollinger, and T. B. Smith. 2010. “Mapping the Risk of Avian Influenza in Wild Birds in the US.” BMC Infectious Diseases 10 (1): 187.
Halstead, K.E., J.D. Alexander, A.S. Hadley, J.L. Stephens, Z. Yang, M.G. Betts. 2019. “Using a Species-centered Approach to Predict Birds Community Responses to Habitat Fragmentation.” Landscape Ecol 34: 1919-1935.
Hobson, K. A., S. L. Van Wilgenburg, K. W. Larson, and L. I. Wassenaar. 2009. “A Feather Hydrogen Isoscape for Mexico.” Journal of Geochemical Exploration 102: 167–74.
Huff, M. H., N. E. Seavy, J. D. Alexander, and C. J. Ralph. 2005. “Fire and Birds in Maritime Pacific Northwest.” Studies in Avian Biology 30: 46–62.
Larson, K. W. and D. P. Craig. 2006. “Using Digiscoping to Collect Fish Digital Photograph Vouchers in Seabird Diet Studies.” Waterbirds 29 (2): 198–202.
Larson, K. W., D. P. Craig, Y. Suzuki, and D. D. Roby. 2008. “A Geographic Analysis of Hydroprogne Caspia Band Encounters in the Americas, 1922 to 2006.” Pacific Seabird Group.
Larson, K. W. and K. A. Hobson. 2009. “Assignment to Breeding and Wintering Grounds Using Stable Isotopes: A Comment on Lessons Learned by Rocque et Al.” Journal of Ornithology 150: 709–12.
Larson, K. W. and J. E. Leyva. 2007. “Wintering Black Terns Foraging among Manta Rays in Coastal Guerrero, Mexico.” Waterbirds 30 (3): 448–49.
Molina, K. C., K. L. Garrett, K. W. Larson, and D. P. Craig. 2009. “The Winter Distribution of the Western Gull-Billed Tern (Gelochelidon Nitotica Vanrossemi).” Western Birds 40: 2–20.
Quader, S., K. Isvaran, R. E. Hale, B. G. Miner, and N. E. Seavy. 2004. “Nonlinear Relationships and Phylogenetically Independent Contrasts.” Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17 (3): 709–15.
Rockwell, S. M., B. Wehausen, P. R. Johnson, A. Kristof, J. L. Stephens, J. D. Alexander, and J. K. Barnett. 2021. Sagebrush Bird Communities Differ with Varying Levels of Crested Wheatgrass Invasion. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 12(1): 27-39.
Rockwell, S. M., J. L. Stephens, R. I. Frey, J. D. Alexander. 2020. “The Importance of Restoration at an Urban Riparian Site in Southwestern Oregon for Non-breeding Birds.” Northwest Naturalist, 101:1-13.
Rockwell, S. M., J. D. Alexander, J. L. Stephens, R. I. Frey, and C. J. Ralph. 2017. “Spatial Variation in Songbird Demographic Trends from a Regional Network of Banding Stations in the Pacific Northwest.” The Condor 119 (4): 732–44.
Rockwell, S. M. and J. L. Stephens. 2017. “Habitat Selection of Riparian Birds at Restoration Sites along the Trinity River, California.” Restoration Ecology Early View online.
Rousseau, J. S., J. D. Alexander, M. G. Betts. 2020. “Using Continental-scale Bird Banding Data to Estimate Demographic Migratory Pattern for Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus).” 2020. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 15(2):2.
Sarr, D. A., A. Duff, E. C. Dinger, S. L. Shafer, M. Wing, N. E. Seavy, and J. D. Alexander. 2015. “Comparing Ecoregional Classifications for Natural Areas Management in the Klamath Region, USA.” Natural Areas Journal 35 (3): 360–77.
Schiller, A. M. and K. W. Larson. 2007. “Fox Sparrow Foraging on a King Bolete Mushroom.” Northwestern Naturalist 87 (3): 252.
Schiller, A. M., K. W. Larson, and J. D. Alexander. 2007. “A White-Crowned Sparrow with Three Legs.” Western Birds 38: 222–23.
Seavy, N. E., and J. D. Alexander. 2006. “Measuring Ecological Effects of Prescribed Fire Using Birds as Indicators of Forest Conditions.” In Fuels management—How to Measure Success: Conference Proceedings, edited by P. L. Angermeier and B. W. Butler, RMRS-P-41:593–603. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.
Seavy, N. E. and J. D. Alexander. 2011. “Interactive Effects of Vegetation Structure and Composition Describe Bird Habitat Associations in Mixed Broadleaf–conifer Forest.” The Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (2): 344–352.
———. 2014. “Songbird Response to Wildfire in Mixed-Conifer Forest in South-Western Oregon.” International Journal of Wildland Fire 23: 246–58.
Seavy, N. E., J. D. Alexander, and P. E. Hosten. 2008. “Bird Community Composition after Mechanical Mastication Fuel Treatments in Southwest Oregon Oak Woodland and Chaparral.” Forest Ecology and Management 256 (4): 774–778.
Seavy, N. E., S. Quader, J. D. Alexander, and C. J. Ralph. 2005. “Generalized Linear Models and Point Count Data: Statistical Considerations for the Design and Analysis of Monitoring Studies.” In Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference. 2002 March 20-24; Asilomar, California, Volume 1 and 2, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-191:744–53. Albany, CA: USDA Forest Service.
Shirley, S. M., Z. Yang, R. A. Hutchinson, J. D. Alexander, K. McGarigal, and M. G. Betts. 2013. “Species Distribution Modelling for the People: Unclassified Landsat TM Imagery Predicts Bird Occurrence at Fine Resolutions.” Diversity and Distributions 19 (7): 855–66.
Spotswood, E. N., K. R. Goodman, J. Carlisle, R. L. Cormier, D. L. Humple, J. Rousseau, S. L. Guers, and G. G. Barton. 2011. “How Safe Is Mist Netting? Evaluating the Risk of Injury and Mortality to Birds.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Stephens, J.L., C.R. Gillespie, J.D. Alexander. 2020. “Restoration Treatments Reduce Threats to Oak Ecosystems and Provide Immediate Subtle Benefits for Oak-associated Birds.” Restoration Ecology, 1-11.
Stephens, J.L., E.C. Dinger, J.D. Alexander. 2019. “Established and Empirically Derived Landbird Focal Species Lists Correlate with Vegetation and Avian Metrics.” Ecological Application, 1-15.
Stephens, J.L., S.M. Rockwell. 2019. “Short-term Riparian Restoration Success Measured by Territory Density and Reproductive Success of Three Songbirds Along the Trinity River, California.” Ornithological Application, 121: 1-12.
Stephens, J. L. 2017. “Short-Term Response of Vegetation and the Riparian Bird Community to Dam Removal on the Rogue River, Oregon.” Ecological Restoration 35 (4): 328–40.
Stephens, J. L. and J. D. Alexander. 2011. “Effects of Fuel Reduction on Bird Density and Reproductive Success in Riparian Areas of Mixed-Conifer Forest in Southwest Oregon.” Forest Ecology and Management 261 (1): 43–49.
Stephens, J. L., J. D. Alexander, and N. E Seavy. 2006. “Association of Grazing Utilization and Bird Communities in Conifer and Oak Forests of Southern Oregon.” In Wings Without Borders IV North American Ornithological Conference. Veracruz, Mexico.
Stephens, J. L., E. C. Dinger, J. D. Alexander, S. R. Mohren, C. J. Ralph, and D. A. Sarr. 2016. “Bird Communities and Environmental Correlates in Southern Oregon and Northern California, USA.” PLOS ONE 11 (10): e0163906.
Stephens, J. L., D. Hanni, J. D. Alexander, G. Ballard, G. R. Geupel, and B. L. Sullivan. 2009. “The Avian Knowledge Alliance: A Network of Non-Government Organization Working Together on Bird Conservation.” In Tundra to Tropics: Connecting Birds, Habitats and People. Proceedings of the 4th International Partners in Flight Conference, 13-16 February 2008, edited by T. D. Rich, C. Arizmendi, D. Demarest, and C. Thompson, 412–14. McAllen, Texas, USA: Partners in Flight. .
Stephens, J. L., S. M. Rockwell, C. J. Ralph, and J. D. Alexander. 2015. “Decline of the Black Tern (Chlidonias Niger) Population in the Klamath Basin, Oregon, 2001-2010.” Northwestern Naturalist 96 (3): 196–204.
Stephens, J. L., I. J. Ausprey, N. E. Seavy, and J. D. Alexander. 2015. “Fire Severity Affects Mixed Broadleaf–conifer Forest Bird Communities: Results for 9 Years Following Fire.” The Condor Ornithological Applications 117 (3): 430–446.
Stockenberg, E., B. Altman, M. Green, and J. D. Alexander. 2008. “Using GAP in Landbird Biological Objective-Setting: Process and Examples from Oak Habitats in the Pacific Northwest.” The Gap Analysis Bulletin 15: 34.
Stralberg, D., D. Jongsomjit, C. A. Howell, M. A. Snyder, J. D. Alexander, J. A. Wiens, and T. L. Root. 2009. “Re-Shuffling of Species with Climate Disruption: A No-Analog Future for California Birds?” PLoS One 4 (9).
Veloz, S., L. Salas, B. Altman, J. D. Alexander, D. Jongsomjit, N. Elliott, and G. Ballard. 2015. “Improving Effectiveness of Systematic Conservation Planning with Density Data.” Conservation Biology 29 (4): 1217–27.
Verschuyl, J., J. L. Stephens, A. J. Kroll, K. E. Halstead, and D. Rock. 2021. “Black-backed Woodpecker Occupancy is Extensive in Green Conifer Forests of the Southern Cascade Mountains, Oregon.” 2021. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 16(1):4.
Wassenaar, L. I., S. L. Van Wilgenburg, K. W. Larson, and K. A. Hobson. 2009. “A Groundwater Isoscape (δD, δ18O) for Mexico.” Journal of Geochemical Exploration 102 (3): 123–36.
Wiegardt, A. K., D. C. Barton, and J. D. Wolfe. 2017. “Post-Breeding Population Dynamics Indicate Upslope Molt-Migration by Wilson’s Warblers.” Journal of Field Ornithology.
Wiegardt, A., J. Wolfe, C. J. Ralph, J. L. Stephens, and J. D. Alexander. 2017. “Postbreeding Elevational Movements of Western Songbirds in Northern California and Southern Oregon.” Ecology and Evolution, 1–15.
Wolfe, J.D., J.D. Alexander, J.L. Stephens, and C.J. Ralph. 2019. “A Novel Approach to Understanding Bird Communities Using Informed Diversity Estimates at Local and Regional Scales in Northern California and Southern Oregon.” Ecology and Evolution, 4431-4442.
Wolfe, J. D. and E. I. Johnson. 2015. “Geolocator Reveals Migratory and Winter Movements of a Prothonotary Warbler.” Journal of Field Ornithology 86 (3): 238–243.
Wolfe, J. D., M. J. Johnson, and C. J. Ralph. 2013. “Greater Mass Increases Annual Survival of Prothonotary Warblers Wintering in Northeastern Costa Rica.” The Condor, 115(1): 163–67.
Wolfe, J. D., C. J. Ralph, and P. Elizondo. 2015. “Changes in the Apparent Survival of a Tropical Bird in Response to the El Niño Southern Oscillation in Mature and Young Forest in Costa Rica.” Oecologia, 1–7.
Wolfe, J. D., P. C. Stouffer, K. Mokross, L. L. Powell, and M. M. Anciães. 2015. “Island vs. Countryside Biogeography: An Examination of How Amazonian Birds Respond to Forest Clearing and Fragmentation.” Ecosphere 6 (12): art295.
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