Ongoing Studies
The small population size of Oregon Vesper Sparrow is well-documented, but the causes of its at-risk status remain speculative. As with most migratory birds, declines may be caused by factors on their breeding grounds, wintering grounds, or migration stopover areas. This makes underlying causes difficult to pinpoint, but potential factors include: loss and degradation of habitat due to development, fire suppression, exotic species, and/or agriculture, or increased use of pesticides near grassland habitat. Oregon Vesper Sparrows may also be declining due to factors that affect small population sizes in general. Small populations lack genetic diversity and are less able to rebound after environmentally harsh years, breeding seasons with low productivity, disease, or natural disasters such as fires, floods, and drought.
To begin to disentangle these potential causes of population decline, a group of collaborators is contributing to a range-wide study to assess the factors limiting population size and inform conservation action. The five-year study will examine nest success, productivity, survivorship, recruitment, dispersal, and habitat needs to identify where within the Oregon Vesper Sparrow’s annual life cycle conservation actions are most needed. Klamath Bird Observatory’s work with the Rogue Basin population is being replicated by partners from the American Bird Conservancy in the Willamette Valley of Oregon and Ecostudies in the Puget Lowlands in Washington. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is funding our partnership to complete a range-wide analysis of nest success, nest site selection, and survival, using data from all three study regions. This is an important effort to make sure the USFWS has the data they need for their ongoing review of this subspecies for listing under the Endangered Species Act. KBO has also added exciting new components to this research, including using archival GPS tags and Motus automated radio telemetry to track the migration and survival of Oregon Vesper Sparrows (see Expanding Research with Cutting-Edge Technology).
Recognizing that conservation occurs across many fronts, KBO also nurtures an environmental ethic through community outreach and education. The integration of community science into our Oregon Vesper Sparrow research directly contributes to the science, while having the added value of raising awareness for this lesser-known and at-risk songbird (see Engagement and Education for more detail).
The Rogue Basin component of this project is funded in part by the BLM National Conservation Lands Management Studies Support Program, Carpenter Foundation, Charlotte Martin Foundation, Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund, Oregon Wildlife Foundation, Oregon Zoo’s Future for Wildlife Fund, Friends of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships