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Tag: banding workshop

2018 KBO Banding Workshop a Fun Success!

KBO hosted the 2018 Fundamentals of Bird Banding Workshop at our Upper Klamath Lake Field Station August 6-10. Biologists from near and far—California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Nicaragua, the Marianas Islands, and Spain (!)—joined KBO’s banding team for four days of interactive hands-on instruction and afternoon seminars. Topics ranged from safe mist net use in capturing small birds to age- and sex-determination techniques in this the North American Banding Council-sanctioned training workshop. The fantastic group took the “work” out of workshop and made it all a lot of fun! Most of the group now bring new knowledge and sharpened skills to their ongoing banding projects.

Proceeds from the workshop help fund our long-term monitoring and student volunteer internship programs. KBO has hosted bird banding workshops at our Upper Klamath Lake Field Station for over 20 years—an important component of our professional education program.

CLICK HERE to learn more about KBO’s Professional Education Program.

KBO’s Fundamentals of Songbird Banding Workshop is filling up—register soon!

Just a few spots are still open for KBO’s Fundamentals of Songbird Banding Workshop August 6-10, 2018 at our Upper Klamath Field Station. This is a North American Banding Council-approved training session with NABC-based content and NABC-certified Trainer instructors. All registration fees go directly to funding our long-term monitoring and banding training program. Registration closes July 20, 2018.

Participants will receive training in bird safety, bird handling, mist net use and maintenance, data collection, bird identification, bird banding, and sexing and ageing techniques through both hands-on instruction while capturing birds and numerous seminars. The workshop program has been developed for people with little or no bird handling and banding experience, although is also appropriate for those with intermediate skills for which it will build upon their existing skills and knowledge.

The registration fee is $1,600 per person and is non-refundable. Registration includes all meals (including beverages and snacks) beginning with dinner Monday August 6 and ending with lunch Friday August 10. Space is available for free tent camping at KBO’s rustic Upper Klamath Field Station. There is lodging available nearby at several Rocky Point area resorts and lodges (all with rooms and/or cabins as well as RV and tent camping) and a few options on Airbnb (search Rocky Point or Klamath Falls, Oregon). A little further away are Running Y Ranch Resort (about 20 minute drive) and hotels in Klamath Falls (about 40 minutes).

For more information about the workshop (including workshop agenda, nearby lodging info) and to register click here. Registration will closes July 20, 2018.

Come for a top-notch banding learning experience and help keep our long-running monitoring and training program going. For more information and answers to any questions please contact Bob Frey at bif<AT>

CLICK HERE for more information about bird banding training opportunity.

Songbird Banding Workshop—Registration Closes Soon

Just a few spots are still open for KBO’s Fundamentals of Songbird Banding Workshop July 24-28, 2017 at our Upper Klamath Field Station. This is a North American Banding Council-approved training session with NABC-based content and NABC-certified Trainer instructors. All registration fees go directly to funding our long-term monitoring and banding training program. Registration closes June 26, 2017.

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Songbird Banding Workshop Registration Deadline Extended

Photo Credit: KBO

The registration deadline has been extended for Klamath Bird Observatory’s August 22-26 Fundamentals of Songbird Banding Workshop – now July 29. Registration fees contribute directly to funding our long-term monitoring and banding training program. This is an introductory course and participants will be exposed to the fundamental skills and knowledge that serve as the foundation for becoming a skilled bird bander. This workshop is designed for undergraduates, graduate students, bird observatory volunteers, naturalists, and others interested in learning more about bird monitoring and conservation science. The course is particularly suitable for those interested in pursuing careers in ornithology or assisting at bird banding stations. No previous experience necessary!  See the 2016 banding workshop flyer for more information.

The registration fee is $1,600 per person and includes all meals (including beverages and snacks) beginning with dinner Monday August 22 and ending with lunch Friday August 26. Space is available for free tent camping at KBO’s Upper Klamath Lake Field Station. There is lodging nearby at Rocky Point Resort, Lake of the Woods Resort, Comfort Point Lodge, the Harriman Springs Resort and Marina, (all with rooms and/or cabins as well as RV and tent camping), the Crystalwood Lodge B&B, and a few options on Airbnb (search Rocky Point, Oregon).

Come for a top-notch banding learning experience and help keep our long-running monitoring and training program going. For more information and to register please contact Bob Frey.

Registration deadline has been extended to July 29, 2016 and just a few spots remain so if interested don’t delay!