Fall FUNdraising and Outreach Events
The Klamath Bird Observatory board members are excited to introduce our fall outreach and FUNdraising events.
Let’s Talk Bird Series

Join Shannon Rio for three weeks of classes, chatting about our local birds and ending with a field trip. Powerpoint presentations will include, for example, a deep dive into a specific group of birds like woodpeckers and learning fun bird factoids. We will explore the use of a variety of bird guides and info books. This class is collaborative and interactive and meant to be fun. We will meet at noon for 1 1/2 hours, so bring a sack lunch along with your curiosity. Please bring your favorite guidebook for referencing the species we are learning about and sharing with the group. The class will be capped off with an all-day outing to use what you have learned.
Dates: September 11th, 18th, 25th, and field trip on Sep 30th or Oct 1st.
Location: KBO Office in Ashland
Fee: $100 suggested donation
Klamath Bird Observatory (KBO) follows Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and as such, KBO events are offered with COVID-19 safety as a primary concern. Proof of “up-to-date” vaccination will be required for all in-person participants. Upon registration, all individuals attending an in-person event must also fill out KBO’s COVID Release Form and Waiver of Liability. Paper copies may also be available at an event upon advanced request. Please do not attend the event if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
Save The Dates
Registration for these events will open approximately one month before the event day. Mark your calendars now, and keep an eye out for the emails.
Great Grey Owl Talk with Harry Fuller – September 22nd, 6 pm, at the KBO Office – Free, signed Great Grey Owl books available for purchase
Walk Into Ashland Past with Jeff LaLande – October 7th & 14th at 11:30 am. The walk starts at the Ashland Library – $75 per person
Field Trip to Scott Valley with Dick Ashford – October 21st – $40 per person
Field Trip to the Klamath Basin with Dick Ashford – November 4th – $40 per person
Klamath Basin Raptor ID Class and Field Trip with Dick Ashford – December 7th and 9th – $75 per person