Klamath Siskiyou Oak Network Ecological Monitoring Plan
Klamath Siskiyou Oak Network Ecological Monitoring Plan, The overarching goals of this monitoring plan are to work in partnership to acquire, curate, analyze, and distribute data needed to transparently evaluate performance toward achieving the outputs and outcomes identified in the KSON Strategic Action Plan (SAP). As part of the SAP, the partnership used a viability assessment framework to inform the selection of six Key Ecological Attributes (KEAs) and identified indicators to measure conditions for each target habitat.
This ecological monitoring plan includes three monitoring objectives:
1) Spatially track treatment planning and project implementation
2) Measure treatment-induced changes in Key Ecological Attributes
3) Measure landscape scale Ecological Outcomes
In combination, this monitoring will evaluate how effectively a restoration treatment shifts a given target habitat from its current to its desired condition. Results will also be examined at the project and landscape scale to measure progress toward improved health and increased target acreage where appropriate. Within each project, the best available science and ongoing monitoring results will be applied to adaptive management through regular implementation review.