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Tag: nature photography

Contemplative Photography Now Available Via Zoom

We now offer a Zoom option for the Holiday FUNdraiser — Contemplative Photography by Kirk Gooding. This presentation celebrates the power of photography. Kirk selected his favorite nature photos and created this inspirational series set to music. After a brief introduction, we ask you to sit back and enjoy the sights and sounds created in this stunning presentation.

This event takes place on December 11th from 5 pm – 8 pm and Zoom 6 pm – 7 pm. 

This holiday event will be held in a home in Ashland. Appetizers and beverages will be provided.

Event Itinerary

5-6 PM Arrive and enjoy pre-show food and drink.
6-7 PM Introduction, presentation, question and answer, and conversation. The Zoom portion of the event will start at this time.
7-8 PM A chance for more conversing and enjoying delicious hors d’oeuvres. Cards will be for sale that features photos from the presentation. Great for the holidays

Suggested tax-deductible donation: $100 in person, $50 via Zoom

Click here to register for this event and be a KBO supporter. 

Upcoming Talk and Walk Class: Nature Photography


TALK: December 9th, 2018 Sunday 5:00-6:30pm

Join Mel Clements as he presents 4 short DVD’s (photography and music) that highlights the birds and landscape of the Klamath Basin Wildlife Refuge through the four seasons of the year. A fifth DVD will feature the powerful beauty of the Great Gray Owl. Guidelines for photographing birds and other wildlife will be presented along with the ethics of bird photography. Mel will discuss how to get the best photos and disturb the birds the least. Shannon Rio will co-host the event and discuss the field trip to the Klamath Basin area.

This talk will take place in a local home and wine, bubbly water, and light snacks will be available.


Two separate dates will be set aside, one in January and one in February to go to the Klamath Basin. This trip includes a three hour tour from a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist. The guided trip starts at the Tule Lake Refuge Headquarters. The rest of the day will be exploring the Refuges auto route looking for birds and photo opportunities.

COST: $50 will cover the talk and the outing. To sign up, contact Shannon Rio at or call her at 541-840-4655.