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Tag: Scientists Speak Up

Scientists Speak Up!

On Saturday April 22 at 11:45 am, a diverse group of scientists will present “Scientists Speak Up!” at the Rogue Valley Earth Day celebration at ScienceWorks Hands-on Museum.

A growing group of southern Oregon citizens are joining the global scientific community in defense of the vital role science plays in our health, safety, economies, and governments. Professional, academic, and student scientists will join together to present personal vignettes that focus on the very real role science plays in each of our lives. Speakers will include local citizens from Southern Oregon University, Ashland School District’s John Muir School, and Ashland’s science-based Klamath Bird Observatory.

The speakers will be giving voice to the defense of science, scientists, and evidence-based policymaking. These scientists will be standing up for science in the face of budget cuts, censorship of researchers, disappearing datasets, and threats to dismantle government agencies and government supported science that are putting our health, food, air, water, climate, and jobs at risk.

This “Scientists Speak Up!” presentation will take place at 11:45 on the main stage as part of Rogue Valley Earth Day’s high-energy entertainment line-up that will include of dance, culture, youth science, poetry, and music. Rogue Valley Earth Day will also be highlighted with many additional science-based activities. ScienceWorks will present a ScienceLive show, “Science is Cool,” and The Caterpillar, Pacifica’s Mobile Science and Nature Center will feature activities about the solar system and weather. The festival features many exhibits from organizations and agencies, activities for kids, local food vendors, and live entertainment.

The Rogue Valley Earth Day celebration takes place outdoors at ScienceWorks Hands-on Museum from 11:00am to 4:00pm. Join us as we build awareness about the impact of science on all our lives. “Scientists Speak Up!” at 11:45 on the Rogue Valley Earth Day main stage – building a community that champions robustly funded and publicly communicated science as a pillar of human freedom and prosperity.

Click here to learn more about KBO Standing Up For Science.

Top off your Earth Day weekend with the Siskiyou Singers’ spring concert series, For the Beauty of the Earth, April 22 & 23 — click here for more information.