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Tag: Talks and Walks

Winter Talks and Walks

Bohemian Waxwing January 2013 (c) Frank Lospalluto
The Klamath Bird Observatory’s popular Talks and Walks series is back with new opportunities to expand your knowledge of birds seen throughout the Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion. These Talks will be held on the first Thursday of the month at KBO’s headquarters: 320 Beach Street, Ashland, OR 97520 with the Walks followed on Saturday. To sign up, contact KBO board member Shannon Rio at and send participation fee of $25 to Shannon Rio at 610 Iowa Street Ashland, Oregon 97520. Space is limited so sign up soon!


  • Taught by Harry Fuller, KBO Board President.
  • Classroom session: Thursday, November 5th, 2015 6:30-8:00pm at KBO headquarters, Lincoln School.
  • Field trip: Saturday, November 7th, 2015 all day with time of departure to be announced at the talk.
  • In Jackson County some of our resident birds come down from the mountains, like Juncos, Wilsons Snipe, Hermit Thrush, Pacific Wrens and an occasional Townsend Solitaire. An influx of ducks and other birds arrive from colder climes. Some of our birds simply stay put but have to change their diet significantly. Phoebes do not find much call for fly-catching in a real winter. This class will explore our winter birds and see if we have some surprises due to climate change.
  • Space is limited to 15.


    • Taught by Dick Ashford, local hawk expert and KBO Board Emeritus
    • Classroom session: Thursday, Dec 3, 2015 6:30 – 8:30pm at KBO headquarters, Lincoln School
    • Field trip: Saturday Dec 5, 2015 8am til 5pm-ish; Butte Valley, the Klamath Basin and environs
  • This always-popular workshop returns for another year! During the classroom session, Dick will provide a straightforward introduction to the identification of our local hawks, eagles, and falcons. The goal? To prepare you to be successful (and have fun!) on the Saturday outing. Prerequisites: Fun people only – no whiners!
  • Space is limited to 14.
  • Talks & Walks

    Birding for Kids
    KBO’s popular Talk & Walk classes are core to our Community Education programming. These two-part classes include an evening presentation followed by a field trip. Birding experts, conservation professionals, authors, and artists donate their time as instructors and field trip leaders. Please reach out to Elva at if you are interested in being a field trip leader or giving a talk.

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