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Sarahy Contreras Martinez, PhD


Sarahy Contreras web bio 2 (72ppi 4x)Sarahy is a professor and researcher at the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources-IMECBIO, University of Guadalajara-CUCSUR. The results of her projects are applied to the conservation, management, and restoration of bird habitats in subtropical temperate mountain forests.
Sarahy earned a Master of Science in biological conservation and sustainable development at the Institute of Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a PhD in Science in bio-systematics, ecology, and natural resource management at the University of Guadalajara.


She has coordinated and developed several educational projects, social networks, and scientific research on terrestrial bird ecology and conservation in western Mexico, especially with hummingbirds and passerines. She is also an international advisor to organizations such as the Western Hummingbird Partnership, Amigos Alados, and Panama’s Ministry of Education.


She received a national recognition by MUNIC (National Exhibition of Scientific Images Mexico) 2017 for the scientific video entitled “Great Warriors: Hummingbirds and Fire” and the Wings Across the Americas award given to the Western Hummingbird Partnership in western North America, by the U.S. Forest Service in 2017.


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