About KBO
KBO Board

Shannon Rio, President
Shannon Rio is on the board of the Klamath Bird Observatory because of its work to preserve birds and wild places in nature. She is a wildlife educator with a goal to connect people (and herself) with nature so that they will want to protect what they love.

Amanda Alford, Vice President
Amanda Alford fell in love with birds for the first time at the Klamath Bird Observatory’s Mountain Bird Festival in 2016. She has been hooked on all things bird ever since! She is supported in her obsession by husband Greg and children Chance and Salome, who have all come to love the flocks that frequent their feeders in southern Ashland.

Dick Ashford, MS
Dick first joined the KBO Board in Spring 2005. He served as Board President from 2007 to 2009, when he was elected as Board Chair of the American Birding Association, a position he held until late 2010. Shortly after completing those duties, he was re-elected as KBO’s President in December 2010, and served again until 2013.

Stacy Taeuber
Stacy is a relatively recent transplant to the Rogue Valley, lured here by the natural beauty, unique ecosystems, and endless opportunities for exploration. Stacy has worked as an immigration and criminal defense lawyer for twenty-five years. She has lived and worked in Washington, D.C., Miami, Arizona, Wisconsin, NYC, and Minnesota. She now works remotely and spends her spare time in the great outdoors, learning all she can about the birds, plants, and animals that also call this area home.

Lisa Michelbrink
Lisa Michelbrink joined the board after volunteering for several years at the Mountain Bird Festival and other KBO events. She was so impressed she signed on for more! Lisa credits her grandfather with introducing her to birds and nature at a young age through his bird feeder and walks on the beach and in the parks of northern Ohio.

Jeff LaLande
Jeff has lived in the Rogue Valley since 1969, and he’s spent most of that half-century as an archaeologist and historian. His love of birds (which began before the age of five with his beloved parakeet, Joe) has evolved over the years, resulting in a modest life-list and the acknowledgement that he has much, much to learn from experienced birders. Now finally armed with a new, good pair of binoculars, Jeff is excited to keep learning more about birds.

Cydne Jensen
Cydne and husband, Mike, arrived in Ashland in 2003 from Menlo Park, California. She retired in 2009 after a 35 year career as a Technical writer and editor, followed by four years as a part-time copy editor at Blackstone Audio. She first volunteered with the Mountain Bird festival, and soon thereafter had the good fortune to discover KBO’s wonderful “talk and walk” community education classes. She became a member in 2011.

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships