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Talks & Walks

Birding for Kids
KBO’s popular Talk & Walk classes are core to our Community Education programming. These two-part classes include an evening presentation followed by a field trip. Birding experts, conservation professionals, authors, and artists donate their time as instructors and field trip leaders. Please reach out to Elva at if you are interested in being a field trip leader or giving a talk.
The donation-based class series’ topics include songbird, hawk, and waterfowl ID, birding by ear, nature photography, eBirding, birding expeditions, bird-friendly gardening, and more. Watch for upcoming classes at our Klamath Call Note blog or follow us on social media.

Upcoming Walks and Talks 

Celebrate Earth Day with us by birding at the Rogue River Preserve with Amanda Alford on April 23rd from 9 am – 11 am (date full) additional date on April 24th, 9 am – 11 am. Amanda is a KBO board member and a lover of all things bird and is excited to share. The Rogue River Preserve is located along the Rogue River. The preserve is owned and managed by the Southern Oregon Land Conservancy. Its 352 acres include several distinct habitats that support remarkable biodiversity, including at least 32 rare, declining, and uncommon plant and animal species. There isn’t a better way to celebrate Mother Earth.

Business Sponsors

Wisdom ($5,000+)

Great Grey Owl ($2,500+)



Mountain Quail($500+)

Western Tanager ($100+)

Wild Birds Unlimited 72 PPI 4xX

Become an Business Sponsor