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Tag: Holiday

KBO Holiday FUNdraiser: Contemplative Photography


Sunday, December 11th, 5 – 8 PM

Nature photography can be deeply soul-soothing and meditative. It can be educational as it gives details about the appearance or behavior of a bird, and it can result in the protection of birds and landscapes. William Finley was a conservation photographer who presented to Teddy Roosevelt photos showing the mass slaughter of herons and egrets, prompting Roosevelt to set aside land as refuges for birds.

This presentation celebrates the power of photography. Kirk Gooding selected his favorite nature photos and created this inspirational series set to music. After a brief introduction, we ask you to sit back and enjoy the sights and sounds created in this stunning presentation.

This holiday event will be held in a home in Ashland. Appetizers and beverages will be provided.

5-6 PM Arrive and enjoy pre-show food and drink.
6-7 PM Introduction, presentation, question and answer, and conversation.
7-8 PM A chance for more conversing and enjoying delicious hors d’oeuvres. Cards will be for sale that features photos from the presentation. Great for the holidays

Suggested tax-deductible donation: $100 in person, $50 via Zoom

Register below

This event is hosted by KBO board members Shannon Rio and Amanda Alford. The photographer, Kirk Gooding, is married to Shannon Rio.

Klamath Bird Observatory follows CDC guidelines. KBO events are being offered with COVID-19 safety as KBO’s primary concern. Proof of vaccination will be required for all in-person participants. All individuals attending an event must also fill out the Waiver of Liability form that will be emailed to you once you register for the event. Paper copies will be available at the event. Please do not attend the event if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Masks are not required but wear based on comfortability.

*Please fill out the form for each attendee

KBO relies on private donations to further our mission of advancing bird and habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships. By attending KBO FUNdraising events, you help support KBO’s efforts. So, if you love birds, believe in birds as indicators of environmental well-being, and want to support KBO’s science-driven bird conservation mission, please register for this FUNdraising event today!