Field Notebook
Beaver Fever: From pests to restoration tools
Beavers, like humans, are engineers of their own habitats, carrying out construction projects that make more food resources and housing available to them. Recently, beavers have been recognized by land managers as playing a vital role in maintaining diverse stream and riparian habitats. The benefits of beaver impoundments in a watershed include slowing and spreading […]
A Hermit Shows up to Tell a Story
| John Alexander | Klamath Call Note, Birds & Birding, Conservation, Field Notebook, KBO Partners, KBO Science
The Hermit Thrush is very well named. One might not know of its presence but for a soft quoit call or a brownish blur rushing into the base of a bush. They are a quiet, skulking, and reclusive species. This is a good reason for trying to catch them in nets to quickly place a […]
Spring Birds of Malheur– what to expect
This is a preview of the Spring Birds of Malheur trip written by KBO Board President Harry Fuller. Trip #2 (June 11th-15th) is selling out fast! The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was created by President Theodore Roosevelt over a century ago. Malheur has long had a reputation as a great birding hotspot in the high sagebrush […]
KBO Interns Succeed in Science and Conservation
| John Alexander | Klamath Call Note, Conservation, Field Notebook, KBO Education, KBO Family, KBO History
Over the past 19 years, Klamath Bird Observatory has hosted over 170 student volunteer interns from 16 countries and 23 of the US states. Our objective with each individual has been to create a safe and fun learning experience, with the hope that we impart some positive influence on their academic and professional careers. Certainly, […]
A Sparrow with Two Possible Stories
By Brandon Breen, Klamath Bird Observatory Science Communications On the morning of June 14th, 2014, Linda and Peter Kreisman noticed a Song Sparrow with a small metal band on its right leg. The bird was seen at Ashland Pond, a small water body on the northern edge of town and adjacent to Bear Creek, a […]
Uncovering the Secrets of Chat Migration – Part I
| teresa wicks | Klamath Call Note, Birds & Birding, Conservation, Field Notebook, KBO Partners, KBO Science
On a cool, clear summer morning a few weeks ago in northern California, several members of the KBO team and I crouched behind a screen of willows next to our mist-net, swatting at the abundant mosquitoes and listening to the birds singing all around us. We were a bit nervous, as our research quarry was […]
Banding Outreach in the Fremont-Winema National Forest
Klamath Bird Observatory hosted an outreach event for professional partners on June 9th at our Upper Klamath Field Station’s Sevenmile Long-term Bird Monitoring and Banding Station in the Fremont-Winema National Forest. This picturesque research facility, a historic Forest Service Guard Station, is located on the northern outskirts of the Klamath Basin, nestled in a small […]
KBO Participates in Christmas Bird Count
By Brandon Breen, Klamath Bird Observatory Science Communications On Saturday January 4th, the Klamath Bird Observatory family, including staff, interns, board members, volunteers, partners, and supporters, participated once again in Ashland’s annual Christmas Bird Count. The Christmas Bird Count is an American tradition and the longest running citizen-fueled biological survey in the world, dating back […]
Encounter with a Mountain Bluebird
It is impossible for me to tell someone about my favorite bird without breaking into a smile, sometimes even laughter. Whenever I miss being a full-time field biologist I think of the Mountain Bluebird, but not just any Mountain Bluebird, specifically the first one I ever saw. The sighting occurred at the end of a […]
Remarkable Recapture of a Migratory Thrush
| KBO | Klamath Call Note, Conservation, Field Notebook, KBO Family, KBO Partners, KBO Science, Press Room
By Brandon Breen, Klamath Bird Observatory Science Communications Breaking News! Former KBO Intern captures a remarkable bird in the highlands of western Colombia, 2,714 miles from where it was originally banded! Andrés Henao and colleagues were banding birds this week in the highlands of Colombia near the town of Las Margaritas, and on December 17th […]

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships