KBO Family
KBO Research Associate Publishes Book on Amazonian Birds
The Amazon rainforest hosts 15% of the world’s bird species. Despite the staggering diversity of birds, relatively little is known about their natural history. To better understand the timing of life cycle events such as breeding and molting seasonality of Amazonian birds, a team of biologists began a long-term monitoring project in 1978 in the […]
KBO Biologist on the Cover of The Wildlife Professional
The latest issue of The Wildlife Society’s magazine, The Wildlife Professional, features KBO Research Biologist Sarah Rockwell as its cover girl! The article mentions findings from Dr. Rockwell’s research on one of North America’s rarest songbirds – the Kirtland’s Warbler – conducted when she was a doctoral student at the University of Maryland and Smithsonian […]
Year of the Bird and Klamath Bird Observatory’s Community Education Program
| KBO | Klamath Call Note, Birds & Birding, Community Science, Conservation, KBO Education, KBO Family, Press Room, Trips & Events
*** News Release: September 24, 2018 *** Contact: John Alexander, Executive Director, Klamath Bird Observatory, 541-890-7067, 2018 is the Year of the Bird. To celebrate Ashland-based Klamath Bird Observatory’s Community Education Program is fostering a deeper love for birds and a better understanding of bird conservation and its importance. KBO’s Community Education Program is part […]
KBO Science Director wins Leadership in Conservation Award
The accomplishments of Klamath Bird Observatory’s Science Director Jaime Stephens have been recognized by the international bird conservation consortium Partners in Flight (PIF)—presenting her with its prestigious Leadership in Conservation Award. The Leadership Award honors an individual or group that demonstrates outstanding guidance and direction that contributes, or has contributed, to advancing Partners in Flight […]
SCIENCE BRIEF: KBO Research Associate and Yurok Tribe Collaborate on California Condor Reintroduction Feasibility Study
California Condors are not only the largest avian scavenger in North America, they are a species of cultural significance for the Yurok Tribe of Northern California. Yurok ancestral territory is in the heart of the historical range of California Condors and the tribe has been working with Klamath Bird Observatory research associate, Dr. Jared Wolfe, […]
KBO’s Executive Director Featured in Point Blue Quarterly!
John Alexander, KBO co-founder and Executive Director is featured in the current edition of the Point Blue Quarterly. Conservation Frontman: John Alexander, Klamath Bird Observatory describes the energy, focus, and passion John brings to the enduring Point Blue—KBO partnership. Point Blue leaders and John himself share perspectives of their collaborations that are making a positive […]
An Unprecedented Legacy: KBO’s International Training Program
By Dr. Jared Wolfe, KBO Research Associate Central and South America host the most diverse bird communities on Earth. The dizzying array of antbirds, cotingas, manakins, and woodcreepers have captured the imagination of naturalists for centuries and subsequently fueled investigations into the origins of life itself. Charles Darwin wrote in 1839 regarding finches of the […]
Bad News Bears of Birding & Birdathon News
Ah, spring, when young persons’ fancies turn to thoughts of bird migration and YES! The Birdathon! It’s a high point of the year for our team, the Great Greys. It started out to be an excuse to spend some quality time with pals, looking for birds. But we were subjected to some serious ridicule a […]
One of Our Bird Monitoring Stations is 25 Years Old!
Klamath Bird Observatory’s Pacific Crest Trail #1 (PCT1) long-term bird monitoring station, operated in partnership with Klamath National Forest, turns 25 this May—older than some of this year’s volunteer interns! The station’s resilience was recognized in the latest MAPS Chat—the annual newsletter of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship Program to which we contribute data […]
For the Birds: Immense Possibilities is Rebroadcasting an Episode Featuring Klamath Bird Observatory
| Caitlyn Gillespie | Klamath Call Note, Conservation, KBO Family, KBO Partners, KBO Science, Press Room
If you missed your first opportunity or would like a chance to see it again, this week Immense Possibilities will be rebroadcasting the episode For the Birds featuring Klamath Bird Observatory’s Executive Director John Alexander and Science Director Jaime Stephens. Watch this episode: Friday November 20th, 2015 at 8:30pm Pacific Time on SOPTV or streaming at […]

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships