KBO Family
Avian Internship Memorial Fund — In Memory of Patricia Buettner
Patty Buettner’s Family and friends have established this annual fund in her honor. During her life, Patty was personally and professionally committed to wildlife conservation and made significant contributions to the field. Among them was her formative influence on the creation of the Klamath Bird Observatory.
Two new job opportunities at Klamath Bird Observatory
| KBO | Klamath Call Note, Community Science, Conservation, KBO Education, KBO Family, KBO Science, Press Room
KBO is seeking applicants for two new full time positions — 1) Restoration Ecologist and Partnerships Coordinator and 2) Science Delivery, Communications, Outreach, & DEI Program Manager. We encourage applicants who are interested in science-driven conservation and who want to become a contributing member of our collaborative team of kind, loyal, passionate, supportive, dedicated, and understanding colleagues.
KBO Special Webinar: Learn to Animate Snoopy with former PEANUTS Director Larry Leichliter
Klamath Bird Observatory is proud to present this special webinar with KBO Board Member, former PEANUTS director, and accomplished animator Larry Leichliter. During Larry’s live-action tutorial, you can try your hand at creating a simple animation of Snoopy, the lovable canine character from the PEANUTS cartoon, and his feathered pal Woodstock. Tickets are available for a donation in the amount of your choosing. Suggested Donation: $10.00.
NEWS RELEASE: Paper by Halstead et al. is the recipient of 2021 IALE-NA Outstanding Paper in Landscape Ecology Award
The North American Chapter of the International Association of Landscape Ecology has selected a paper by KBO Research Biologist Kate Halstead and colleagues, published in the journal Landscape Ecology, as the recipient of the 2021 Outstanding Paper in Landscape Ecology Award. The nominator for the award recognized the paper as outstanding for several reasons, one of which is the fact that it grapples with one of “the most salient and fundamental questions in landscape ecology and conservation science: the relative importance of habitat loss vs. fragmentation on species richness”. The work was carried out in the Rouge Basin watershed of the Klamath Mountains Ecoregion, and the nominator noted that the author’s “methodology is rigorous, innovative and powerful”. Click to learn more.
Klamath Bird Observatory “Thank You” Video 2020
At our holiday staff party this year, we recorded a special message for our partners and supporters. Thank you for your partnership and generosity, and we look forward to seeing you in 2021!
2021 Job and Internship Opportunities with KBO
Klamath Bird Observatory is accepting applications for our 2021 field season! We are seeking Point Count Technicians to complete point count surveys throughout the diverse and beautiful region of southern Oregon and northern California. Technicians will work for multiple projects consisting of monitoring effects of oak and stream restoration and long-term monitoring in both private and public lands. We are also seeking Bird Banding Interns to participate in our long-term landbird monitoring program. This position requires independent drive and patience for the travails of field work but also affords an amazing opportunity to build practical experience in field biology and master a variety of bird monitoring and research skills in a beautiful part of the country. Click to learn more!
Please consider making a contribution to Klamath Bird Observatory this Giving Tuesday
| John Alexander | Klamath Call Note, Birds & Birding, Conservation, KBO Education, KBO Family, KBO Partners, KBO Science, Trips & Events
KBO’s resilience is inspired by the support we receive from our donors who believe in our work to advance bird and habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships. In 2020, as the Covid pandemic challenged all of us, KBO showed our resilience, adapting to the novel circumstances. Giving Tuesday is December 1st, and this year we ask that you help us with our continued efforts to protect birds and the places in nature that they need to survive. Please consider making an end-of-year donation to KBO.
Staying resilient, adaptive, and strong for bird conservation: Klamath Bird Observatory responds to the Covid crisis
| KBO | Klamath Call Note, Conservation, KBO Education, KBO Family, KBO History, KBO Partners, KBO Science
We hope that this message finds you, our community, in good health and in safe places during this unprecedented time of Covid-19. We are happy to report that we remain safe and healthy, and will continue to operate in the midst of this pandemic.
The Life of a KBO Nest-Searcher
by Nicholas Kronick Named after the abundance of camas lilies dotting the meadow blue through the long days of June, Lily Glen offers a fine sight that comes alive in the summer. This May-July, my field partner and I spent our days here with the purpose of locating and monitoring the nests of a local […]
Save the Date — Klamath Bird Observatory’s Wings and Wine Gala
SUNDAY September 22nd, 2019, 3:00 -7:00 PMGRIZZLY PEAK WINERY, ASHLAND, OREGON Online Registration Opens July 21st! Klamath Bird Observatory’s Wings and Wine Gala is back by popular demand. Come celebrate more than 20 years of KBO advancing bird and habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships. Please help us continue our work by participating in […]

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships