KBO History
Klamath Bird Newsletter Early Winter 2014 Edition
The 2014 Early Winter Newsletter has hit the shelves! The Klamath Bird Observatory staff and field biologists work hard throughout the summer months collecting data for KBO’s conservation science projects. This unique newsletter has the best of both worlds: scientific perspectives combined with thoughtful, personal reflections on the field season. Click here to view the […]
A Tradition of Field Biology and Conservation
The Klamath Bird Observatory’s foundation is rooted in the study of Natural History and the art of Field Biology. As an Observatory we are an institution that supports observation based science. We prescribe intentioned observation to meticulously document our human experiences in the natural world. Using explicit protocols and well-designed studies we document these experiences, […]
Adventures in Education: Klamath Bird Observatory
Overcoming Social and Scientific Challenges to Inform Management in the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument
In 2000, Klamath Bird Observatory incorporated, emerging from nearly 10 years of coordinated inventory and monitoring efforts in the Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion of southern Oregon and northern California. In that same year President Clinton issued a proclamation that established the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, protecting 52,000 acres referred to as “an ecological wonder” and “a biological crossroads—the […]
KBO Interns Succeed in Science and Conservation
| John Alexander | Klamath Call Note, Conservation, Field Notebook, KBO Education, KBO Family, KBO History
Over the past 19 years, Klamath Bird Observatory has hosted over 170 student volunteer interns from 16 countries and 23 of the US states. Our objective with each individual has been to create a safe and fun learning experience, with the hope that we impart some positive influence on their academic and professional careers. Certainly, […]
KBO’s Summer 2014 Newsletter
By John Alexander, Klamath Bird Observatory Executive Director In presenting this edition of our newsletter the Klamath Bird, with a focus on KBO success stories, I am struck by the breadth of people who have contributed to our accomplishments over the years. Support and encouragement from you, our community, continues to grow. The donations you […]
Science Guides Private Lands Conservation
This article is the seventh installment in the series Achieving Partners in Flight Strategic Goals and Objectives. Klamath Bird Observatory is working with local restoration partners to integrate Partners in Flight priorities and objectives into private lands restoration programs. The Central Umpqua Mid Klamath Oak Habitat Conservation Project, funded by the NRCS Cooperative Conservation […]
2013 State of the Birds Report: Bird Populations Depend on Private Lands
A new national report released today by the North American Bird Conservation Initiative, and contributed to by local science-based non-profit Klamath Bird Observatory, highlights the considerable extent to which native bird populations in the United States depend on private lands. Significantly, the 2013 State of the Birds Report on Private Lands also demonstrates that conservation […]
KBO’s Formative Years: 2000-2003
By John D Alexander, KBO Executive Director From an expanding regional bird monitoring program, KBO fledged as an institution supporting observation-based science and its application to conservation and land management. By the time KBO was incorporated in 2000 we were implementing our Klamath Basin bird monitoring plan out of our field stations on Upper Klamath […]
KBO in the Nest: 1992-1996
By John D Alexander, KBO Executive Director Partners In Flight (PIF) is a cooperative effort involving federal, state, and local government agencies, philanthropic foundations, professional organizations, conservation groups, industry, the academic community, and private individuals to conserve bird populations in this hemisphere. KBO grew from Partners In Flight research and monitoring efforts that were designed […]

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships