Klamath Call Note
KBO Has Filled Five Bird Monitoring Internships
| KBO | Klamath Call Note
Posted by Brandon Breen, on Jan. 3rd, 2013 **These positions are now filled** Position Title: BIRD MONITORING STUDENT VOLUNTEER INTERNSHIPS Stipend: $750/month and housing will be provided Position Description The Klamath Bird Observatory ( is seeking five interns (April – July) to participate in the bird monitoring component of a large river restoration project in […]
A Swan Has Sung, Remembering Rich Stallcup
By Harry Fuller, on 25 Dec., 2012 (This article first appeared on Harry’s Towheeblog) For anybody who’s birded in the Bay Area in the past 50 years, there has always been one human name that was respected, even beloved. Rich Stallcup. Sadly he just died from leukemia. Among his many achievements was co-founding of the […]
KBO Has Filled Banding Internships for 2013
| KBO | Klamath Call Note
Posted on Dec. 24, 2012 **These positions are now filled** Internship Title: Bird Banding Intern Stipend: $750 per month; housing and transportation between field sites provided Duration: May 1st 2013 to October 31st, 2013, minimum 3-month commitment, 6-month preferred Project Location: Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion of southern Oregon and northern California BIRD BANDING INTERNSHIP positions 1 May […]
Bird Counters Also Keep Eye on Climate Change
By Brandon Breen, on Dec.7, 2012 Jaime Stephens, KBO’s Research and Monitoring Director, answered questions about the response of birds to climate change for an article in the Outdoor section of the Medford Mail Tribune. As the climate changes, Jaime explained, bird distributions will shift and this will lead to new competitive interactions among species […]
A Shuffling of Species
A reporter from Oregon State University’s Terra magazine is taken into the Bear Creek Watershed with Klamath Bird Observatory’s John Alexander to talk about biodiversity hotspots, climate change and partnerships. John discusses how KBO and its partners are working to create decision support tools for land managers. One example being computer models of species distribution […]
Region’s Oaks Ecologically Important
Oak habitats support more biodiversity than any other habitat in southern Oregon, but they have been slowly fading away over the past century due, in large part, to fire suppression policies that have allowed conifers to encroach upon and ultimately replace oak stands. The Klamath Bird Observatory is dedicated to oak restoration and KBO’s Jaime […]
Birding is for the Humans
By Brandon M Breen, Klamath Bird Observatory Outreach and Communications Specialist Occasionally, I forget just how much fun it is to go birding. And then I venture into the woods in the morning and the forest air and peacefulness begin to creep into me and the brightness of the blue sky makes me smile and […]
Bird Bio: Yellow-breasted Chat
By Ian Ausprey, Klamath Bird Observatory Research Biologist The Yellow-breasted Chat, one of our more charismatic riparian species, plays an important role in our region’s cultural and ecological heritage. It is a Partners in Flight focal species for western riparian habitats, it is the “Salmon Grandmother” in local Native American mythology, responsible for bringing salmon […]
St. Mary’s Students Visit Banding Station
By Brandon Breen, on Oct. 5, 2012 A high school environmental science class from St. Mary’s School visited the Klamath Bird Observatory banding station at Willow Wind to learn about bird banding, bird watching, and how studying birds gives us information about the health of our environment. See the Medford Mail Tribune article, or see just […]
The Hoopa Story of the Origin of the Yellow-breasted Chat
“The mythical hero Yimantuwinyai knew that salmon existed, but had been searching for them in vain until Mink came and told him that a woman had all the world’s salmon penned up across the ocean at the edge of the world. Yimantuwinyai collected some madrone berries and then journeyed to that place where she lived. […]

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships