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Klamath Call Note

Birds in the Mist (Net)

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Bird observation provides key insights into environmental health. Birds populations are often indications of what is going on in their environments. That’s why Klamath Bird Observatory interns Amy Beich and Rachel Kilby have been netting and banding birds around the Sevenmile Guard Station. Through this process, KBO can get an idea of the numbers of […]

BirdNote: Klamath Bird Observatory

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August 6, 2011 Listen to our August 6th, BirdNote by searching the BirdNote website.

Bird Bio: Swainson’s Thrush

Bird Bio: Swainson’s Thrush By: Robert Frey, KBO Biologist and Banding Project Leader One of the most commonly heard, although seldom seen, birds of its range is the sedately plumed and melodic songster Swainson’s Thrush. It was named for William John Swainson, a much-accomplished English (and later in life a New Zealander) ornithologist, malacologist, entomologist, and artist. Mr. Swainson has […]

American Dippers Take Rare Stab At City-Dwelling in Ashland

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Barbara Massey and Bob Quaccia discuss a nest of American Dippers in an Ashland Daily Tidings article by Vickie Aldous. Several of these small, water-loving birds have made their nest under the Water Street Bridge in downtown Ashland. The young dipper chicks have recently begun to investigate the quieter pools along the edge of the […]

Animal Nature: A week for great blue herons

Animal Nature: A week for great blue herons, sea lions, bald eagles and liger The great blue heron is North America’s largest and most widespread heron, it has also been Portland Oregon’s city bird since 1986. Every year in Portland heron enthusiasts gather the first week in June for Great Blue Heron Week. Ross Island […]

Bird in the Hand

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April 22, 2011 “Bird in the Hand”: Banding gives researchers a wealth of information, from reproduction to migration, and local students get in on the act. Medford Mail Tribune.  

Bird Bio: Golden-crowned Sparrow

By Bob Frey, KBO Biologist and Banding Project Leader Remember Flower Power – a slogan used as a symbol of passive resistance and non-violent ideology in the 1960s? The Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla) is a big believer— flowers are very nearly all it eats! Studies have found that plant material makes up 95% to 97% of this songbird’s natural diet, […]

Klamath Bird Observatory Calls For Volunteers

| KBO | ,
The Klamath Bird Observatory is looking for volunteers for a pair of field trips. These trips will take place on May 20th and May 21st for fourth/fifth grade students and third grade students respectively. These trips will make up KBO’s fourth season of coordination with Chiloquin Elementary to take students to such locations as the […]

Great Blue Herons Return

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April 4, 2011 Great Blue Herons Return to Breeding Colonies. Press Release. March 29th, 2011. “Homing in on Herons: Biologists will survey Great Blue Heron rookery sites in Southern Oregon and statewide to see how the species is doing.” Medford Mail Tribune. April 4th, 2011.

Rest Stop

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During the spring and summer many birds are migrating thousands of miles and often right over our homes. Along the way birds use “rest stops” to eat food, drink and rest. Migration itself is the most dangerous part of a bird’s life but now, with ever changing landscapes many places that used to  provide birds […]