Klamath Call Note
Saving Birds with Coffee: The View from Nicaragua’s Highlands
By Scott Weidensaul, Author and Naturalist This article first appeared on the American Bird Conservancy Blog. Migratory birds—which must overcome so many natural challenges as they journey from one end of the globe to another—are having a much harder time overcoming the obstacles that humans have added to the mix: habitat loss, environmental contaminants, climate […]
Ducks Don’t Watch Horror Movies
By Harry Fuller, Klamath Bird Observatory Board President Humans watch horror movies about fictional creatures that hunt us. For ducks, such creatures are real. Yesterday, there were 40 ducks and coots paddling around the south end of Emigrant Lake. There was a lone Bald Eagle. But the scene was more complex than a simple scorecard. […]
Harnessing Geolocator Technology for Bird Conservation
During the recent International Partners in Flight Conference in Snowbird, Utah, the emphasis was on protecting birds throughout their annual cycle. Yet, it is really difficult to set conservation priorities when there are uncertainties concerning the threats that birds face throughout the year. And in order to identify threats, we need to know exactly where […]
PechaKucha Night Focuses on Birds
By Brandon Breen, Klamath Bird Observatory Science Communications and Outreach Klamath Bird Observatory is teaming up with Standing Stone Brewing Company and community organizer Malena Marvin to present Ashland’s 5th PechaKucha Night this Sunday, October 27th at 8:00 p.m. at Standing Stone in Ashland. This event is free to the public. The theme of the […]
Wanted: Mountain Bird Festival Volunteers
| KBO | Klamath Call Note
Klamath Bird Observatory is looking for a few more key volunteers, also known as Festival Kingbirds, to help us organize our first-ever Mountain Bird Festival. Specifically, we’re looking to fill the following positions: Sponsorship Kingbird This position will focus on approaching potential sponsors and securing sponsorships for the festival. Promotional Kingbird This position will be […]
Spring Birds of Malheur Trip
June 5th-8th, 2014 Join professional birding guide and KBO board president, Harry Fuller, and hawk expert and longtime KBO board member, Dick Ashford, for a trip to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, a world-renowned birding destination and the largest wetland in eastern Oregon. This Klamath Bird Observatory conservation outing is truly an unforgettable trip. […]
Announcing the Mountain Bird Festival
Citizens & Science Elevating Bird Conservation May 30th, May 31st, and June 1st, 2014 Ashland, Oregon Mark your calendar, the first-ever Mountain Bird Festival is coming! Klamath Bird Observatory will host this community conservation event next spring in Ashland, Oregon. Our vision is to create a festival that combines a celebration of nature with the […]
What’s Your Story, Swainson’s Thrush?
By Robert Frey, Klamath Bird Observatory Research Biologist While the information collected from banding birds has many and varied values, what can really excite a bander is catching a bird with a band that looks odd or unfamiliar. The band might have a strange number, which makes you think the bird was banded far away, […]
Science Guides Private Lands Conservation
This article is the seventh installment in the series Achieving Partners in Flight Strategic Goals and Objectives. Klamath Bird Observatory is working with local restoration partners to integrate Partners in Flight priorities and objectives into private lands restoration programs. The Central Umpqua Mid Klamath Oak Habitat Conservation Project, funded by the NRCS Cooperative Conservation […]
Upcoming Raptor Trips
In the coming months, Klamath Bird Observatory will be offering two guided trips to the Klamath Basin in search of raptors and other birdlife. The Klamath Basin is nationally famous for its excellent raptor viewing; come find out why with local raptor expert and longtime KBO board member Dick Ashford. You’ll have good chances of […]

Advancing bird & habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships